Monday 16 April 2007

Percy the Park Keeper

This week we are going to start reading books about Percy the Park Keeper as part of our Living Things topic. We will be talking about planting seeds so if you have any plants, seeds or gardening equipment that you could bring to school for our role play and science area we would most appreciate it.

Guided Reading

We spoke to you at parents evening about our new guided reading systems. We will be starting guided reading with the children this week so please ask your child about this to see what they can tell you about their new book. We will keep you informed to when our new home reading library is up and running.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays! We hope you all had a lovely Easter and that you enjoyed all the wonderful weather! Please could we ask that you make sure your child has a sun hat at school to wear when they are outside. If you want your child to wear suncream at school could we please ask that you apply this to your child before they come to school. Thank you.