Sunday 30 November 2008

It's a cracker!

This week we will be sending home information about what your child will need and if they have a short line to learn. Each child has a part within the play and may get to speak, act out a role, dance or play a musical instrument. We have tried to ensure that these parts suit your child's abilities and confidence levels at the same time as ensuring that all 63 children are involved so we would appreciate your help and support.
The production will take place once on Tuesday 16th December at 10am in the hall.

Help! I need somebody

We have had a lovely week of visitors which we hope that your children have told you about! On Monday PC Peatfield came to talk to the children about his role and show them some pieces of uniform and photographs of the different police vehicles. On Thursday we had the Fire Brigade and an engine visit school and they explained their wider roles and showed us lots of their equipment. Later this week we will be having a visitor from the local doctor's surgery.

Phonics week 4

We are amazed at how well your children have learnt our letters and their sounds but will now be using the weeks up to the Christmas break for reinforcing our sounds so far and lots of practice in segmenting and blending sounds. This will be a chance for us to assess and for everybody to practice and improve their skills.

Last week's phonics - I apologise for the delay but I had a poorly computer! We also looked at "ck" being a digraph for the same sound as "c" and "k".

Sunday 16 November 2008

Word Wizards

Just a quick reminder that the purpose of the word wizards is for you to help your child recognise the words on sight. Please do not worry about colouring them in as we will deal with that side of things!

Phonics Week 2

Well didn't we just go for it this week - 3 sounds and 4 letters! We also looked at the word "to" as a tricky word.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Phonics Autumn 2 week 1

These are the 2 sounds that we have introduced this week!

Welcome Back!

Well didn't the week off fly!!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as Mrs Foster and myself - we went away for a few days in Northumberland (yes together -otherwise we miss each other too much!!!) and it was absolutely freezing.

We hope that you may have been told by your children, or perhaps have noticed the change in the cloakroom, that we have started a new theme this week which is called "Help! I Need Somebody" and we will be talking about the people who help us both everyday and in cases of emergencies. This is a favourite topic as it includes visits from people in uniforms - often with very exciting vehicles and props!

This week has been exciting in other ways as we have issued their first home reading books for you to share with them and we have started to have a little listen to the songs we will be singing in our Christmas Production. We will let you know more about the production later but please keep the date Tuesday 16th December free in your diaries!

In number work this week we have taken our first look at weight and used the words light, lighter, lightest, heavy, heavier and heaviest to compare different items. In literacy we have looked at a non-fiction text called "It's the weekend!" which is a recount of how different children spent their weekends. In our Knowledge and Understanding work we have talked about who the children think help them and asked them what they would like to do as a job when they are older. We have also obviously talked about Bonfire Night and how to stay safe.