Sunday 25 January 2009

Phonics for this week

You will be correct in thinking that we have already introduced these sounds but we feel that they are important enough for us to spend an extra week ensuring that the children can "use and apply" these sounds within their writing.

Phonics groups

As you may know we have separated the children into phonics groups to enable us to give each group a phonics session to meet their needs. These are the sounds we have been learning.

Happy new year!

I find it hard to believe that this is my first Blog of 2009 - what have I been doing???

Our theme for this term is called "In my dreams" and is a mixture of princess fairy tales and monsters - we will leave you to decide which your child will prefer.

We will be concentrating more on writing now and encouraging the children to write more often during busy times. In numeracy we have been looking at sorting objects using colours, sizes and shapes.

In our knowledge and understanding work we are looking at materials with particular attention to whether they float or sink and if they are waterproof.

For our creative work we will be making clay monsters so if you are at a loose end please feel free to pop in and offer a hand!

As always - if in doubt please ask!