Tuesday 9 June 2009

The sun has got his hat on!

Our topic for this half term has the rather hopeful title of "The Sun Has Got His Hat On!" and ties in with our trip to the seaside. We will be looking at why and when we take holidays and comparing them with seaside holidays from the past. We will be visiting the "Beside The Seaside" museum whilst we are at Bridlington which will reinforce the children's learning. We have created seaside role play areas but please feel free to send in any props that you feel would enhance these areas.

We are currently looking at the text The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch in literacy and in number work we are doubling numbers.

Trip Letters

You should all have received a letter about our class trip now. Please feel free to ask any questions so that all forms can be returned as soon as possible. Thank you.


Please make sure that you have returned your order forms for photos by Wednesday 17th June please. Thanks.