Friday 18 September 2009

Brain Awareness Week at Methley Primary! wb 12th October 2009.
This is a week dedicated to increasing our understanding of the human brain - how it thinks, learns and remembers. The pupils at Methley Primary are the first generation of children who will get to write a manual for their brain! They will discover how to use their brains to learn and achieve in the classroom and in their lives. Staff and pupils will participate in a range of exciting activities to learn about the amazing human brain!!
Before the week itself there is an evening brain training session for parents called "Your Child's Amazing Brain!" this will be held at school on Thursday 8th October from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Its aim is to enable you to become better partners in your child's learning by examining the key role you have to play in nurturing the young brain. We promise it will be informative and fun!!
We are very excited to be running this amazing brain week in school and seeing the positive affects it will have on each child's learning journey.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Curriculum/Phonics Evening

Reception will be holding the first of 2 curriculum evenings on the 1st October at 6pm. This evening will mainly focus on Phonics and Reading. The parents who attended the phonics meetings last year were very positive and they found them very useful when helping their children at home with their reading and writing. We really hope you will be able to attend and will be sending home letters shortly with more infomation.

Thank you

Mrs Foster and Mrs Ashby

Thursday 10 September 2009


Methley Primary School has gained 'Advanced Healthy School status and a big part of that award is our 'Food Policy'.

There seems to be a little confusion about the kind of snacks that the children are allowed to bring to school.....

The children are allowed to bring the following:

-A piece of fruit.
-Vegetable sticks (Carrot/cucumber etc)
-Dried fruit (raisins/apricots etc)
-Plain biscuits (digestive/rich tea...) The plain biscuit option is only there for children who REALLY don't like fruit/veg.

The children are not allowed to bring:

-cereal/muesli bars
-chocolate biscuits, party rings etc
-Fruit bars (school bars etc.)
-Smoothie pouches/drinks
-Crisps (inc Mini Cheddars)
-Cheese sticks
-Anything really that isn't fruit, veg or a plain biscuit.

We don't enjoy being 'Snack Police' but we have to adhere to school policy and if we say yes to one thing then it opens up the flood gates to all sorts. We hope that you will continue to support us in our Healthy School status and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask any of the Reception/Year 1 Team.

Thank You

Profile folders

Quick reminder!!
Could we please have your child's nursery profile in a lever arch file. We mentioned it way back in July at the new parents evening, but I know we have all slept since then!!

What a great first week we have had in Reception!!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Welcome back

Just checking that I can remember how to Blog - it's been a while!! Reception are having a great first week back - there is lots to take in all at once and they are doing great!

Just a few reminders:

Please remember to send your child with a snack each day (fresh fruit or veg or a plain biscuit).

We are collecting in 'empty' book bags - so if you still have yours at home please send it into school - we hope to be giving out books in the next couple of weeks!!

Next week the morning chidren will be staying for dinner on Monday and Tuesday - please collect them at 12:15pm. Afternoon children will be staying for dinner on Thursday and Friday so please drop them off at 11:45am.

I think thats it for now..... but watch this space!!

Thank you
Mrs Foster and Mrs Ashby