Friday 28 September 2007

Phonics week 3

Ok well the last one was not quite as central as I'd have liked but we'll keep trying!

Phonics week 2

Ok well that seemed to work ok so let me try week 2! I would be grateful for any feedback regarding this or any other of my blogs - I'm feeling very lonely!

Thursday 27 September 2007


We are currently experimenting with displaying the Jolly Phonics that we are teaching on the blog (I'm not quite sure if it will work yet). I have been asked where material can be bought to support your children and can tell you that the Early Learning Centre have a wide range of the posters, books, etc. I am hoping (if this works) to dislay the materials we have taught on the Thursday of each week and we would ask you that you could spend a little time each week with your child looking at the material. Please can we also ask that you do not jump ahead of us as this will cause confusion for the children. Here goes...

Pump Bags

You will be pleased to hear that the pump bags have finally reached us and will be distributed on Friday 28th September. Thank you for your patience.

Baa Baa Stripey Sheep

We are asking all parents / grandparents if they have any unwanted wool that we could use to knit our "babies" in Reception and Year 1 some more clothes as winter is approaching fast and they are beginning to shiver in the items of clothing they have currently. Thanks.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Our next RE topic

Our next RE topic is entitled "People who help us" and I am writing to appeal to anybody who works within the emergency services, medical profession, caring profession or any other profession covered by this umbrella statement! If you would be willing to visit for about 15 or 20 minutes and share with us details of your job please contact Miss Gott as visitors help make our curriculum as varied and interesting as possible.

Thursday 20 September 2007

A Village Walk

What could be better than a stroll around the village with excellent company? If you are currently thinking "nothing" then we would like to invite you to do just that. On Monday 1st October each reception class will be walking around the village to look at land uses within Methley. We would like to ask if you could spare just over an hour to join us as we would like everybody to have a hand to hold. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are able to join us or use the reply slip on the walk letter. Thanks

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Curriculum Evening

Just a quick reminder that Curriculum Evening for Reception and Year 1 will be on Wednesday 3rd October from 6pm til 8pm. During this meeting we will be informing you about the subjects and topics we are teaching and the methods of teaching reading, phonics, etc. There will also be opportunity for you to have a look in the newly organised classrooms and of course take part in some valuable learning through play within our provision areas. We look forward to seeing you there.

Odd sock appeal!

We know that this may sound a strange request but please can you hunt through your sock drawers for us and send in any odd/old/too small socks that we could use for sock puppets please. If you are wondering...they will be used to make snakes - obviously! Thankyou.

Thursday 13 September 2007

Happy New Year!

WOW what a start to an accademic year! I'm hoping that you are all enjoying it as I am. As you know it's the first time that I've taught in a Reception class for a while and I'm pleased that we all have managed to settle in well (including me!).

Please do not hesitate to ask any member of the team if you have any questions and we will try our best to answer them.

A few questions that I've already been asked-

When are we getting our pump bags? Unfortunately these haven't been delivered to us yet but we are in the process of chasing them - big apologies!

When will we get books to bring home? We will be carrying out assessments for reading during the next few weeks and all children will be given a reading book once these assessments are complete.

Hopefully we will be able to answer many more of your questions on October 3rd during the Curriculum Evening.