Thursday 13 September 2007

Happy New Year!

WOW what a start to an accademic year! I'm hoping that you are all enjoying it as I am. As you know it's the first time that I've taught in a Reception class for a while and I'm pleased that we all have managed to settle in well (including me!).

Please do not hesitate to ask any member of the team if you have any questions and we will try our best to answer them.

A few questions that I've already been asked-

When are we getting our pump bags? Unfortunately these haven't been delivered to us yet but we are in the process of chasing them - big apologies!

When will we get books to bring home? We will be carrying out assessments for reading during the next few weeks and all children will be given a reading book once these assessments are complete.

Hopefully we will be able to answer many more of your questions on October 3rd during the Curriculum Evening.

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