Sunday 17 February 2008

This week

Just another quick reminder that we are lucky enough to have the Brazilian musician coming into school on Wednesday and we would appreciate a donation of £1 towards this. Please send this into school on Tuesday as these things can only happen if they are supported financially through your generosity - thank you!

Paris Class

This will be the final week that we are lucky enough to have Miss Prust with us so I would like to say a big thank you to her for all of her hard work for Paris Class and wish her well as she is going to make a fabulous teacher when she qualifies!

New Half Term

I just thought I'd give you a quick overview of the next week or so (please forgive that I haven't uploaded the last set of sounds yet but I've been having a little rest and a bit of fun- I thought you wouldn't mind!).
In literacy we will be looking at a non-fiction text called "Wheels, Wings and other things" so don't be surprised when the children start pointing out parts of your cars! We will also be starting the first of our formal phonic assessments where we will be asking the children to recognise and record phonemes independently without any help from the picture cues or ourselves - this sounds worse than it is!
In numeracy we are looking at addition and subtraction again and concentrating on how many ways we can make numbers (eg 6 can be made by 6+0, 5+1, 4+2, 3+3, 2+4, 1+5, 0+6).
We will be rounding up our Seaside topic this week until after Easter when we will be looking at the Seaside from a Geography perspective. Our next topic is a science topic called "Sound and Hearing" where we will be looking at how sound travels, different sources of sounds including which are familiar and which we don't recognise and how we can improve our hearing!

Thursday 7 February 2008

Red day

Please can I remind you that tomorrow is a non-uniform day to raise money for our school staging. We would like children to wear red (Valentines theme!) and bring a donation of £1. Also we would appreciate it if you could test your cullinary talents and send in some buns for our bun sale. Thank you.

Also we seem to have had only a few donations towards the Brazilian day which can only go ahead if funded through fundraising so again please send in £1.

I know it seems that we ask for these things regularly but these small donations do help us to extend the curriculum by inviting visitors into school and to provide things like the staging that the school budget does not cover and that make life easier and more comfortable for us all.

Friday 1 February 2008


Here are the latest sounds. If you have any questions relating to the note on digraphs or trigraphs please feel free to e-mail me if you're not sure about blogging!( Please remember if you're thinking of a question there are probably a dozen more parents wanting to ask it to and I don't bite!

Big Writing

Yes it is that time again and we are really pleased with the progress that your children are making. This week we will be asking them to write about bedtime connected with the story "I don't want to go to bed!" which they have really enjoyed. We are currently encouraging your children to use WOW words in their writing and to use sentence punctuation.

As you will see from the phonics (I'll put it on tonight because I can't do it at school) we are now looking at digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) and trigraphs (3 letters which make 1 sound) - the children do know these words and will be encouraged to use them to help them understand that these letters when grouped together (they hold hands) always make that same sound.

In numeracy this week we will be having a busy week for the children to "show off" their number, shape and measure knowledge.