Friday 1 February 2008

Big Writing

Yes it is that time again and we are really pleased with the progress that your children are making. This week we will be asking them to write about bedtime connected with the story "I don't want to go to bed!" which they have really enjoyed. We are currently encouraging your children to use WOW words in their writing and to use sentence punctuation.

As you will see from the phonics (I'll put it on tonight because I can't do it at school) we are now looking at digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) and trigraphs (3 letters which make 1 sound) - the children do know these words and will be encouraged to use them to help them understand that these letters when grouped together (they hold hands) always make that same sound.

In numeracy this week we will be having a busy week for the children to "show off" their number, shape and measure knowledge.

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