Tuesday 29 April 2008

Stranger Danger

In Paris class we read a book yesterday which talked about a little gir walking away from her mum and getting lost! It gaved great advice to both children and there was a bit in the back for parents. The title was Daisy learns about Strangers and it was written by Sarah Ferguson - well worth looking at with any child I think. It ended with the above rhyme which you might want to discuss with your child/ children.

Miss G

Thursday 24 April 2008

Whats been happening?

Just a quick update.

We are working on recognising coins/money, adding the price of two items together (up to 5p, then,10p, then 20p), using the correct coins to 'pay' for the items.
The children are also experiencing giving a variety of equivalent combinations for an amount, e. g, 5p = 2p+2p+p OR 2p+1p+1p+1p etc.

In Geography we are becoming familiar with maps and globes and where significant places and seas are. This is a difficult concept for the children to grasp, for example to understand the size of places in relation to each other, the relative distances between them and how they are represented on paper etc.

In Art we are concentrating on observational drawings of plants, fruits, flowers, encouraging the children to draw what they see, not what they think is there. They are being shown different pencil techniques like shading and line.

From Mrs Reynard and Mr Mills.

Sunday 20 April 2008

This week!

This week in Numeracy we are looking at adding amounts of money together and role playing being customers and shop keepers.

In Literacy we will be writing a letter for Big Writing to thank the Monkey for saving the animals from the fire in our class book.

Sunday 13 April 2008


I found this information at my local doctors and I hope you'll never need it but just in case!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Next week

We have had a great week this week reading The Rainbow Fish and weaving our own Rainbow Fish pictures. Next week we will be moving onto a new literacy book called Chitter Chatter Monkey and beginning to look at money and real life problems in numeracy.

Miss G

Sunday 6 April 2008

Seaside Trip

Please return your money and slip asap so we can finalise arrangements. Thanks.
Miss G

What we are doing!

This next 2 weeks are Cultural Diversity weeks when we will be discussing that we are not all outwardly the same but inside we are. We will be asking your children to consider why they are "unique" and reading The Rainbow Fish and discussing the feelings of the characters.

In numeracy we will be taking our first official look at time (hours and half past) and the days of the week. Our topic work returns to the Seaside when we will be taking a more geographical look at the cliffs, rock pools, etc.

In PE we will be beginning dance and looking at expressing music through movement - not really my strength so if any of you are more able?!?

Please (as always) if you are unsure ask and please tell me if you have read this!

Miss G

Summer Term

WOW!!! Just before I head off to bed I thought it was about time for a little reflection! Can you believe how far your children have come? Can you believe that they are the same little people that you waved off with a tear in your eye only 7 months ago? (yes I did see!)

I have spent time this holidays assessing where we are up to and where to go next and I just wanted to share with you my pride in these little individuals who have learnt so much. Thank you for your support so far and please do continue!

Miss G