Thursday 24 April 2008

Whats been happening?

Just a quick update.

We are working on recognising coins/money, adding the price of two items together (up to 5p, then,10p, then 20p), using the correct coins to 'pay' for the items.
The children are also experiencing giving a variety of equivalent combinations for an amount, e. g, 5p = 2p+2p+p OR 2p+1p+1p+1p etc.

In Geography we are becoming familiar with maps and globes and where significant places and seas are. This is a difficult concept for the children to grasp, for example to understand the size of places in relation to each other, the relative distances between them and how they are represented on paper etc.

In Art we are concentrating on observational drawings of plants, fruits, flowers, encouraging the children to draw what they see, not what they think is there. They are being shown different pencil techniques like shading and line.

From Mrs Reynard and Mr Mills.

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