Sunday 29 June 2008

Space week!

This week is space week which will be great - I'm really excited as it means I get to fancy dress which I love!!!

During the week we will be learning about the planets and about space travel, we will be thinking about aliens, we will be looking at what we can do to improve our planet and of course making rockets and singing space songs. It is going to be lots of fun so if you would like to join us please let us know!

Thursday 26 June 2008


SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!!! I made a mistake but a slip will come home to give you this info too.

The colours for T-shirts please:-

Pinfold = green
Oswald = purple
Mexborough = red
Watergate = yellow
Mulberry = blue

Monday 23 June 2008

Sports Day

The colours for T-shirts please:-

Pinfold = green

Oswald = purple

Mexborough = red

Watergate = blue

Mulberry = yellow

Saturday 21 June 2008

Summer term!

Just thought I'd give you all a quick reminder of those very important dates that are coming up in the nest few weeks:

30th June is the start of "Space Week" which includes an amazing Space Dome visit on 1st July (we will be asking for a £1 donation for this).
8th July is sports morning where I have put you all down for the Parent's Race (only joking!)
10th July is Jump up Day when your children will get to spend a little time with their teacher for nest year.
14th July is French Day (ooh la la!) - I don't know what we will be doing here yet but I hope it involves food tasting!
School reports will also be sent home on this day.
16th July is "Informal Parent's Evening" which is your opportunity to come and have a chat with us - this is not compulsory and we don't make appointments but please come along if you have any questions about your child's report or progress or even if you just fancy a natter!
18th July will be the last day in school for the children and I expect the same will happen in all reception classes as mine which is an "End of Year Party" with games and snacks and probably a little tear or 2 from me as I wave them farewell!

Any questions about anything please give me a shout or an e-mail

Thanks, Miss G

Sunday 8 June 2008

This Week

This week we will be continuing to look at the story "My house is your house" which includes the Spanish phrase - Mi casa es su casa - which the children are loving! In numeracy we will be having a busy week and taking a little time with each child to see what their next steps in learning are.

Parent's Afternoon

It is our Parent's afternoon on Wednesday so if you would like to come along and join in the lessons please let us know so we have an idea of numbers.