Saturday 21 June 2008

Summer term!

Just thought I'd give you all a quick reminder of those very important dates that are coming up in the nest few weeks:

30th June is the start of "Space Week" which includes an amazing Space Dome visit on 1st July (we will be asking for a £1 donation for this).
8th July is sports morning where I have put you all down for the Parent's Race (only joking!)
10th July is Jump up Day when your children will get to spend a little time with their teacher for nest year.
14th July is French Day (ooh la la!) - I don't know what we will be doing here yet but I hope it involves food tasting!
School reports will also be sent home on this day.
16th July is "Informal Parent's Evening" which is your opportunity to come and have a chat with us - this is not compulsory and we don't make appointments but please come along if you have any questions about your child's report or progress or even if you just fancy a natter!
18th July will be the last day in school for the children and I expect the same will happen in all reception classes as mine which is an "End of Year Party" with games and snacks and probably a little tear or 2 from me as I wave them farewell!

Any questions about anything please give me a shout or an e-mail

Thanks, Miss G

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