Thursday 18 December 2008


Well I think we feel that the title said it all really - It was certainly a cracker of a show! We would like to thank everybody for coming and for all your kind words but really we would just like to share how proud we are of the children - they made the show what it was!

1 comment:

Melanie Thompson said...

Hi Miss Gott,

Thank you again for your help and support today. Matthew was very keen to come back into school after his accident, saying "Do you think I will get one of Miss Gott's special stickers?!"

It was also really lovely to see the respect and admiration that Matthew has built for you. Even when he was saying "goodbye" to you just before leaving for the hospital, he became upset and obviously felt so safe and secure with you.

Thank you again, its reassuring to know that we have such a great support structure at our school.

We hope you have a very merry christmas and have plenty of chill-out time!

Looking forward to 2009.

Thanks again
Melanie (+ Mattthew)