Thursday 15 October 2009

Brain and Phonics!!

Thanks to everybody who came this afternoon for our brain activities - we know that the children love it when you come in - so thank you for giving up your time!!

In phonics this week we have done the letters i-n-m-d and recapped the tricky word 'the'. We have also been practising blending and segmenting the High Frequency Words (HFW) in-is-it-at. The children are really good at saying the sounds and names of letters - we now need to do lots of practice at writing them!!


Mrs Foster and Mrs Ashby

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Brain Week!!

Just in case you missed your invite - the children would like to invite you into school on Thursday 15th Oct at 1pm to come and join us for some brain activites. You are welcome to stay until hometime - but if you just want to pop in for an hour or so that is fine too.
We look forward to seeing you there!


Just a quick update......

We have started phonics this week as we said at the meeting - by the end of the week we will have learnt s-a-t-p and the tricky word 'the'. We have also mentioned the names of these letters so you can use those at home to.

We still have technical probs with the colour printer - but I haven't forgotten about the Jolly Phonics handout!

Mrs Foster and Mrs Ashby

Thursday 1 October 2009

Curriculum Evening

Just wanted to say a big thank you to all that attended the curriculum evening tonight - it was great to see so many of you there!! I know there was a lot to take in, but I do hope you found the evening useful? Please post your comments and let us know!!
Our next curriculum evening will be Wednesday 2nd December - 5:30pm - 7pm we really hope that you will be able to come!
Don't forget the Brain Awareness meeting next week (8th October) - that will be a really good night and very informative - not to be missed!
If you were not at the meeting tonight - please see either me or Mrs Ashby and we would happy to give you the reading handout!!
We will let you all have the jolly phonics pictures as soon as we can print them out!!
Thanks again for coming tonight - it really makes it worth while for us when so many of you come! :)
Mrs Foster and Mrs Ashby