Well..thats it..it's nearly time for BIG school!!! Woo Hoo!! I hope you've all had a great holiday and that your children are looking forward to starting full time!! Just a few quick reminders: Arrangments for the first week back... Remember all children are doing their normal nursery session that week. On their FIRST day take your child to nursery and we will collect them from there - after that you can drop off and collect from the Reception cloakroom doors.
Dinner Arrangements for Wednesday 8th September
Children who noramlly attend nusery for full days either at the beginning or the end of the week - will not be affected by these arrangements and will be collected and dropped off at the normal time.
Morning children will stay for dinner – please collect at 12:15pm
Afternoon children will come in early for dinner – please arrive at 12:00pm
Hope thats clear - if not please don't hesitate to ask - either leave a comment or you can email me on fosterrl04@leedslearning.net
Anyway thats all for now....will blog again soon!
Mrs Foster
thanks for posting this as I had forgotten the time for Wednesday!
Well impressed Mrs F keep up the good work !!!!
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