Last week of Autumn term.....time flies when you're having fun!!!!
Another busy week ahead of us this week - we start with our final dress rehearsal in the morning tomorrow where we will perform for Nursery and Keystage 1. (Our rehearsal on Friday was great, Year 5 were very impressed as were we!!) If any of you have a spare 5 minutes in the morning to help with costumes - it once again would be greatly appreciated!!
Tuesday is our concert in the afternoon - it starts at 2:30pm in the hall - this year we are raising money for the Charity 'Shelter' and would be grateful of a contribution of £1 from those of you coming to watch.
Wednesday is Christmas Dinner day - we will be having our dinner with Year 6 using our brand new dining tables for the first time - very exciting!!
Thursday is PARTY day...well afternoon! Your child can bring in some party clothes in a bag (please name it!) to get changed into after dinner! We will be playing lots of party games and have a little bit of party food!
Friday is our last day before the holidays - we have some exciting things planned, which we are sure your children will enjoy! We will also be sending home a short end of term report on that day as well as cards and calendars we have been busy making!!
Amongst all of the above it's business as usual!! We will be doing our final BIG write of the term - where we will be writing to Santa to thank him for our presents on Friday. We will be playing lots of maths games - linked to Christmas of course!!! We also be acting out the Christmas story in our role play areas as well as making toys in the workshop! We are also going to do a spot of baking this week to help us get ready for our party!!
So another fun packed week!! See you all tomorrow!
The Reception Team :)
1 comment:
It's all so exciting. Can't wait. Have got my tissues ready. Good luck tomorrow!
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