Sunday 27 February 2011

Weekly Overview week commencing 1st March

This week is world book week, so the children will be discussing their favourite story books as well as drawing and painting their favourite characters. So, If the children want to bring in their very own favourite story book from home this week to share with us then that would be fantastic!!

On Thursday, remember your child can come dressed as their favourite Book character!! The Reception Staff will be dressing up as Mr Men or Little Miss characters - to fit with our theme!! But your child can come as ANY book character - the more variety the better!! :)

We will be looking at a range of Roger Hargreaves books, watching the old TV series and creating our very own Mr.Men and Little Miss characters and class books and much much more. We want to share with you all the fantastic work we will be doing this week so on Thursday 3rd March at 2.45 we will be opening our doors and welcoming you all to come in and visit us and take a look at what we have been getting up to. The children will be having the opportunity this week to work with a reading Buddy from Year 2 who will help and support your child with their reading, they will meet with them on Wednesday 2nd March and again on the 3rd - How exciting!!

We will be linking our Numeracy to our topic and looking at 2d shapes and introducing 3D shape. The children can have a go at making nets of 3D shapes, building 3D models and hunting for 3D shapes in our inside and outside areas.


We will be recapping Long Vowels ai, ee, or, igh and looking at blends that make up words with long vowels such as
bloat, float, sleep, fleet, sport, flight, slight discussing the fact that these blends are found at the beginning of the word and are two letters that make two separate sounds and therefore need their own sound buttons. This is quite a tricky concept to understand, so we may be spending a few weeks on this.

We have been busy over the half term creating a more spacious environment in our classrooms and I am sure you will agree they look fabulous and indeed are very spacious with lots of new and fabulous resources out for the children to explore.

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 1st March.

The Reception Team

Saturday 26 February 2011


Next half term is fast approaching and I am just letting you know about an exciting new side topic that New York class we will be investigating on the back of a large fan base of this programme. The children who are interested in Transformers will be creating fact files about their favourite characters and then applying their imagination into creating and designing their very own through via box modelling or use of the construction resources. The children will draw, label and present their fabulous designs and in particular share their special transforming qualities and indeed what makes them special.
This topic has been drawn from some of the children's interests and will run alongside various other topics going on throughout the week..... Keep a look out for the weekly overview being published soon to find out all about the other exciting things we will be discovering and learning about.
If the children have any Transformers at home they can bring them in for us to study and look at for ideas.
I hope you are all having a fabulous holiday and look forward to hearing all about your news next week.

See you all on Tuesday...
Miss Skidmore

Monday 14 February 2011

Worm hunt saga.......

The children explored the playground today investigating where worms may live, if they have eyes, legs and mouths and how they can move. We established worms use muscles in their bodies they feel cold, wet and slimy and they wriggle a lot (hands have been scrubbed and washed since). The children are still trying to work out how they eat and what they eat and will be making a wormery this week. If you have any 2 LTR plastic bottles we could use that would be fantastic!!

Sunday 13 February 2011

There's a worm at the bottom of the Garden!!!!

This week we are going to look at WORMS!!! This has come from the children as they have been obsessed by them ever since we let them start digging!!! We are going to have a go at making a wormery or two this week - if you have any 2 litre pop bottles at home send them in as they will make perfect worm homes!!! Wellies are going to be essential this week as we continue digging in the mud - so please make sure that you send in a pair or at the very least an outdoor pair of shoes that you don't mind getting muddy! We are certain that lots of learning opportunities are going to crop up this week and we shall share these with you as the week progresses!! We asked the children at the end of last week - what they know about worms and what they would like to find out - they came up with some amazing responses - so watch this space!!!!


Well, we all had an amazing party. We played lots of party games, had a boogie and then settled down to watch Toy story 2 with popcorn, crisps and juice. Here are some pictures for you to look at enjoy xx

Friday 11 February 2011

World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March

It's world book day on Thursday 3rd March!! We will be doing lots of exciting things that week!! We just thought we'd let you know as soon as possible two of the things we have planned - so you can start getting organised!!!

On actual World Book Day (Thurs 3rd March) we are going to ask the children come in dressed up as their favourite book character!! We would also like to invite you in at 2:45pm that day to come have a look at what we have been doing - we hope you can make it!! (If not we will take lots of photos and post on here!!! :)

Thursday 10 February 2011

Dinner Today 10th Feb

Dinner today was the lovely Chicken Pie, Roast potatoes, Sweetcorn and Green Beans!

Pudding was Jelly, Fruit or Yogurt!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Small Earth Games Co visit on Friday 18th February

I am delighted to inform you that we have invited the Small Earth Games Company to teach the children games from around the world and French Skipping.

Their aim is to encourage children to increase their enjoyment at playtimes by having fun, being happy and keeping fit. This event has proved to be very popular with schools throughout the UK and we are hoping that the games which the children are introduced to will become an integral part of lunchtimes and playtimes.

We look forward to an energetic and enjoyable day (and pray for good weather!)

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Dinner Today 8/01/11

Today we had bolognese pasta, salad and selection of vegetables accompanied with crispy french bread. Pudding was an iced sponge cake with custard.

Red Nose Day 2011

We will be raising money on Red Nose Day 18th March 2011. We will also be selling Red Noses from next week. Thanks.

Monday 7 February 2011


As our class reward the children have selected to have a PJ afternoon. On Friday the 11th February they can bring in their PJ's to change into after lunch; along with their favourite cuddly toy accompanied by warm footwear or slippers. We will be having some fun, watching a movie and enjoying some treats!!!

The children are very excited - Miss Skidmore and Mrs Rymer will also be sporting our PJ's for the afternoon.

Dinner Today 7th Feb

Dinner today was Sausage, Mash and mixed Veg

Pudding was apple crumble and custard!!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Weekly Overview 7th Feb 2011

Topic: This week we will continue learning about dinosaurs - we all made a clay model last week and this week we will be painting them! We will be listening to some dinosaur songs and using them to help us make music and to dance to of course - the more creative the better!

Phonics: We will be learning the new sounds 'igh' as well as recapping all the other phase 3 digraphs that we have learned so far!! We will also be practicing spelling some of our tricky and using them to write simple sentences!

Numeracy: We will continue to look at subtraction this week focusing on 1 less to begin with. We will continue using the subtraction covers with the numicon and begin writing our own simple number sentences to help us solve some problems!

Literacy: This week we will begin looking at our final Traditional Tale 'Little Red Riding Hood'!! Once again we will be doing lots of roleplay and retelling as well as writing lists about the contents of Red Riding Hoods basket! If you have any different versions of the story at home - we would love to share them with class!!

So another busy week ahead!!

Thank You
The Reception Team

Thursday 3 February 2011

dinner today

Dinner today was lasagne with peas and sweetcorn

Pudding was semolina and Jam

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Poppy's Pumps!!

Alice has Poppy's pumps in her PE bag!!!! It would be my child wouldn't it!!! lol :)

Dinner Today 2/01/11

Today the children had a cheesy, creamy ham pasta; carrots, green beans and potatoes. Followed by a very crumbly apple crumble and custard!!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Dinner Today 1/2/11

Well its the first of February already doesn't time fly? We had a tasty chicken dinner today with boiled potatoes, cauliflower and brocolli, garvy and bread. The children enjoyed biscuits and yoghurt for pudding.