This week is world book week, so the children will be discussing their favourite story books as well as drawing and painting their favourite characters. So, If the children want to bring in their very own favourite story book from home this week to share with us then that would be fantastic!!
On Thursday, remember your child can come dressed as their favourite Book character!! The Reception Staff will be dressing up as Mr Men or Little Miss characters - to fit with our theme!! But your child can come as ANY book character - the more variety the better!! :)
We will be looking at a range of Roger Hargreaves books, watching the old TV series and creating our very own Mr.Men and Little Miss characters and class books and much much more. We want to share with you all the fantastic work we will be doing this week so on Thursday 3rd March at 2.45 we will be opening our doors and welcoming you all to come in and visit us and take a look at what we have been getting up to. The children will be having the opportunity this week to work with a reading Buddy from Year 2 who will help and support your child with their reading, they will meet with them on Wednesday 2nd March and again on the 3rd - How exciting!!Numeracy
We will be linking our Numeracy to our topic and looking at 2d shapes and introducing 3D shape. The children can have a go at making nets of 3D shapes, building 3D models and hunting for 3D shapes in our inside and outside areas.
We will be recapping Long Vowels ai, ee, or, igh and looking at blends that make up words with long vowels such as bloat, float, sleep, fleet, sport, flight, slight discussing the fact that these blends are found at the beginning of the word and are two letters that make two separate sounds and therefore need their own sound buttons. This is quite a tricky concept to understand, so we may be spending a few weeks on this.
We have been busy over the half term creating a more spacious environment in our classrooms and I am sure you will agree they look fabulous and indeed are very spacious with lots of new and fabulous resources out for the children to explore.
We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 1st March.
The Reception Team
Hope you're going to post some photos on Thursday. Can't wait! - Love Little Miss Blogger
Hope you liked them Little Miss Blogger lol x
Thank you so much. Everyone looked fantastic. It is so nice to see book reading being encouraged this way.Good work everyone!
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