Thursday 28 April 2011

Wonderful Weddings!!

Here is a snapshot of our fabulous wedding day, the children looked amazing and we all had a wonderful day celebrating. We started with our lunch outside followed by a street party. The children made their very own decorations and even iced their own buns, enjoy ......

The Reception Team.

Monday 25 April 2011

Royal Wedding week

What an exciting few days we have ahead of us this week we hope you all enjoyed the lovely weather we have had this weekend and are planning your celebrations for our Royal wedding this weekend.

Topic and Literacy
This week we will be looking at celebrations through the Royal wedding. The children will be looking at how we celebrate at weddings, why we have them, what happens and how we prepare for them.

We will be learning about the Royal family, their family tree and showing video footage of the previous Royal marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. On Thursday the 28th of April the children will have the opportunity to dress-up for our Royal celebrations and in our outdoor area we will be creating our own decorations to re-create a wedding venue for the children to role-play a wedding ceremony in which we will learn the National Anthem.

We will be finishing our block on addition this week making sure the children have secured number sentences and adding one and two digit numbers together to create a new total (altogether). The children will be practicing their counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. We will be highlighting number bonds to 10 and doubles when writing our addition sentences.

  • As the weather is unusually hot for this time of year the sun is particularly strong so please bring in some sun cream, along with a sunhat, named please!! Your child will have the opportunity to apply some during the day.
  • We have a lot of unclaimed jumpers at the moment, mainly unnamed. The children often take them off during the warmer days and put them in the jumper boxes. It is proving impossible to get them back to their rightful owners if they are nameless. If you are missing any jumpers then please do check the jumper box in morning or when you collect your child.
  • NEW YORK CLASS ASSEMBLY this Thursday 28th April at 10.30, we look forward to seeing you many of you on the day.
  • ROYAL WEDDING DINNER - The children will need to dress up as if they are attending a wedding on Thursday 28th April for our wedding celebrations.
  • EASTER EGG BOXES - If you do have any spare egg boxes this week the children are setting up an Easter egg shop outside so would be greatly appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you all in the morning.

The Reception Team

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Well it's now finally our turn for our class assembly, which will take place next Thursday morning at 10.30am in the hall. We would really love your support and company in celebrating our fabulous achievements this year. The children are starting to get very excited that they will be showcasing their work and we will be starting rehearsals for the big day on Thursday. They have asked me if the big stage will be up? I told them that we will have to ask Mr.Ken, so we will have to wait and see. We look forward to seeing you.....

Miss Skidmore and Mrs Rymer

New York class

The Royal Wedding

On Thursday 28th April we will be celebrating the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. To help us celebrate we will be having a street party style lunch and dressing up as wedding guests.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Summer Term

Welcome back Reception, Doesn't time fly when in the sunshine!!

We hope you have all been enjoying the lovely April weather so please make sure that you all come equipped with sunscreen and hats as we will be spending a lot of time outside.

Well, we are now starting our Summer term and the children have been on an incredible journey so far. We are now about to embark on the best yet!! So here is what we have lined up for this Easter week.....


The children will be counting and recognising numbers to 100, starting to add two sets of objects together to create a new total and recording their work as a number sentence 9+1=10 etc...


We will be learning all about the Easter story using props to help us retell. The children will learn about Easter Traditions and about why and how we celebrate Easter.


This week we will be learning the long vowel 'oi' and the corresponding jolly phonics action. We will be using visualisation techniques to help the children secure this sound and how its formed.
We will be introducing some new keywords and practising all the ones learned so far.

Outdoor area

We will be making Dens outside with boxes and blankets, practising for our school sports day, printing with our large paint rollers, designing eggs in painting area and learning lots of new songs and much more... watch this space....

We are so excited to see you all bright eyed a bushy tailed in the morning. Just one small request if anyone has already eaten any easter eggs or when you do over the Easter break could we please have the empty boxes for our confectionery egg shop, we will be setting outside, thank-you for your support.

The Reception Team

Sunny weather (we hope)

Just a quick reminder that we are heading into summer and the time of year when we need to be ensuring that we are all applying our suncream before school so that we can take advantage of outdoor learning and the outside environment as much as possible.

Friday 1 April 2011

A Proud Moment.....

Isaac in Athens class had a very exciting Tuesday evening, when he was a Mascot for Charlton Athletic Football club against Rochdale. Have a little look at the link below and you can see him action and also Dad in the background taking photos!!! Well done Isaac! A memory to treasure!!! :) Hopes this works now?

Change to School Hours

Methley Primary School

working for the best for all Children

In just five years what did we achieve?

From 2004 being in the bottom performing 4% of schools

to 2009 being in the top 11%

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your responses to our proposal of changing the timings of the school day in order to improve our provision for pupils and bring us into line with the recommended school hours for primary schools.

Within lunchtime family service, 15 minutes taught time has been incorporated within the lunch hour thereby retaining the total number of hours currently undertaken with a change to a 3.15pm finish.

On March 31st 2011 the Governing Body of Methley Primary School met to discuss ALL of the comments, suggestions and feelings of parents in respect of the proposal.

The decision has been made that as of the 5th September 2011 the finishing time for the afternoon session at the school will be 3.15pm for all children.


The response data is as follows:

20% of families have responded to the original letter - slip/email

5.7% families have provided concerns

No response from - 80% of families

In summary, 19 families negative & 49 accepting the change.

The consultation meeting on 21st March with parents, governors and staff:

  • All comments from parents were addressed in a presentation

  • Group discussions took place and minutes of these discussions were also taken

  • All comments minuted on each table

  • All of the data was typed up and emailed to all governors to read

  • Leeds Education Authority Consulted

Within Leeds schools the data is as follows:

  • 177 schools finish before 3.30pm

  • (ranging from 3 to 3.15/20 and some schools finishing early one day a week e.g., 1.30 on Fridays)

  • 31 finish at 3.30pm

  • 85% before 3.30pm and 15% at 3.30pm.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours in learning and on behalf of the Governing Body

Tracy Dell
