Friday 1 April 2011

Change to School Hours

Methley Primary School

working for the best for all Children

In just five years what did we achieve?

From 2004 being in the bottom performing 4% of schools

to 2009 being in the top 11%

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your responses to our proposal of changing the timings of the school day in order to improve our provision for pupils and bring us into line with the recommended school hours for primary schools.

Within lunchtime family service, 15 minutes taught time has been incorporated within the lunch hour thereby retaining the total number of hours currently undertaken with a change to a 3.15pm finish.

On March 31st 2011 the Governing Body of Methley Primary School met to discuss ALL of the comments, suggestions and feelings of parents in respect of the proposal.

The decision has been made that as of the 5th September 2011 the finishing time for the afternoon session at the school will be 3.15pm for all children.


The response data is as follows:

20% of families have responded to the original letter - slip/email

5.7% families have provided concerns

No response from - 80% of families

In summary, 19 families negative & 49 accepting the change.

The consultation meeting on 21st March with parents, governors and staff:

  • All comments from parents were addressed in a presentation

  • Group discussions took place and minutes of these discussions were also taken

  • All comments minuted on each table

  • All of the data was typed up and emailed to all governors to read

  • Leeds Education Authority Consulted

Within Leeds schools the data is as follows:

  • 177 schools finish before 3.30pm

  • (ranging from 3 to 3.15/20 and some schools finishing early one day a week e.g., 1.30 on Fridays)

  • 31 finish at 3.30pm

  • 85% before 3.30pm and 15% at 3.30pm.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours in learning and on behalf of the Governing Body

Tracy Dell


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