Tuesday 19 July 2011


I had the great pleasure in escorting Reception into Year 1 today and as you will have read I will be working alongside Mrs Stephenson looking after Athens and New York Class now to be Rome and Vienna Class. The children had an amazing day, they were excellent and I was proud of them all... well done Reception I think we are ready to move on now... How grown up you all looked!!!

You all deserve a summer holiday on me LOL x

School Council 2011-2012

Methley Primary School

To Be A Brilliant School Councillor

· You must be…

· Confident

· A Good communicator

· Share Ideas

· A Good Listener

· Responsible

· Trustworthy

· Attend Meetings

Each class needs 2 School Council Representatives

Here are some of the things that the School Council will be working on next year…

Green Team – how we look after our world, recycling etc

Olympic Project

Help For Heroes

Children In Need

School Food Ambassadors

Please elect your School Councillors by Friday 9th September 2011

Monday 18 July 2011


As this is (unbelievably!) the last week of school there will be no clubs running. New club letters will be sent out in the new academic year for your child to sign up to new exciting activities.

Sunday 17 July 2011

I can't believe we are here already in our final week in Reception - it's scary how quick the year goes - it must be true that time really does fly when you are have fun!!!!!!!

I would just like to say how much we both enjoyed Parents Consultation day on Friday - it was great to share all the fantastic progress your children have made this year - you should be very proud of them - I know we are!!

This week we will be continuing as normal with our phonics, consolidation all our phase 3 sounds and writing sentences using our 4 finger check - we are getting really good at this and our writing is most definitely to Year 1 standard!! In numeracy we will be consolidation our number bonds and our recording of these as well as refreshing our doubles knowledge!!

We will also be looking back over the year and talking about all the amazing things we've done - from visiting Santa at Christmas, our class assemblies, our little chicks and not forgetting our memorable day in Bridlington!! We will also be talking about next year and what they are looking forward to!!

It will be Jump up Day on Tuesday and your child will spend the whole day with their new teacher in Year 1 - the children are getting really excited about this and I shall look forward to hearing all about it on Wednesday!! Due to the changes that are happening in Foundation next year - Tuesday morning will be a little different than normal.

All children will be registering in my classroom (Athens) with Miss Skidmore and Miss Fotopoulou.

Please bring your child to my outside classroom door (just to right of the cloakroom doors) they will need to keep all their belongings with them as they will not be going into the cloakroom. THEY WILL NOT NEED THEIR BOOK BAGS so please leave those at home on Tuesday!

Once the children have been registered - they will then go into the hall and go off with their new teacher into their new classroom.

The children will return back to my classroom at 3:15pm ready to go home at 3:30pm.

Please collect your child from my classroom again using the outside classroom door!

I hope that all makes sense - any questions please ask!!

So there is it our last week.....it's going to be an emotional one as we say goodbye on Friday - so bring your tissues!!

The Reception Team

Sunday 10 July 2011

Week commencing 11th July

WOW!! we are now entering the final phase of our Reception year 2011, with our parents consultation day coming up this week on Friday 15th of July. Please make sure you consult your respective teacher Mrs Foster or Miss Skidmore to book a time slot if you want to see one of us and have not already confirmed a time to do so. You will have the opportunity to look at your child's profile and discuss their profile information in more detail.

This week:
We are continuing to look at the life cycle of a butterfly and role-playing breaking out of our cocoon that we have made together outside. We will be writing about what happens to the egg after it has been laid and reading stories together that will help explain the process in more detail. Alongside this we are painting symmetry pictures and drawing and labeling the life cycle process.

The children have been learning about money, its value and using money to pay for items priced in our fruit and vegetable shop. We have used numicon to support their understanding and have counted in 1's to match coin values.

Literacy and Phonics
The children will be writing about the butterfly life cycle and ordering the process together with their partners. We will be recapping all our long vowel sounds ai/ee/igh/oa/oo and incorporating these sounds into our writing during morning and afternoon work.

See you in the morning for yet another fantastic week and let's hope the rain stays away this week.

The Reception Team

Saturday 9 July 2011


We just wanted to say a huge thank-you to all parents who joined us at our open day on Friday. The children really enjoyed having you there and it was good for you all to see a typical day in Reception. The children were very excited and the rain did not stop us all having a great time!! If you could not make it; we will catch up on Friday 15th July at our Parents consultations. If you still have not secured a time slot yet than please come and see either Mrs Foster or Miss Skidmore to view their availability we still have some time slots free.

Thanks again,

See you Monday

The Reception Team

Friday 8 July 2011

Winning Raffle Prize Numbers


916 – Toy Hamper

232 – Handcrafted Card Hamper

727 – Natural Bliss Voucher

129 – Disney Princess Dream Dolls

337 – Transformers 12 in 1 Set

1467 – Ben 10 Alien Force Guessing Game

1286 – Luxury Bath Set

7 – Better & Bright Uniform Voucher

889 – Gola Sports Bag

1049Herb Garden Set

770 Hollywood Bowl Voucher

1483 Hollywood Bowl Voucher

768 – Photo Key Chain

1424 – Bead Styling Kit

133 – Princess Craft Chest

1307 – Karen Hughes Handmade Voucher

Tuesday 5 July 2011


As you will be aware it is our open day this Friday - please choose from either a morning or an afternoon session.

Morning session will be from 8:50 until 11:20 (this will allows to get the children ready for lunch!)
Afternoon session will be from 1:00 until 3:20
(this will allow the children to get ready for home time!)

It is not necessary for somebody to attend both sessions with your child - we do a morning and afternoon session as space is limited in the classroom and 58 children each with a parent would be 116 people. Your child will be fine on their own during the session that you are not attending - as we will be running the day as a normal day, Thank you for your cooperation with this.

The day will be run slightly differently to normal. We want you to observe your child's normal day, watch a guided reading session and group-work, daily lessons, snack times and outdoor play....

The Reception Team

Monday 4 July 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Hi Everyone,

Just want to say a HUGE happy birthday to Mrs Rymer from everyone in Reception today....

We hope you liked your card and you had a super day!!

The Reception Team.