Sunday 10 July 2011

Week commencing 11th July

WOW!! we are now entering the final phase of our Reception year 2011, with our parents consultation day coming up this week on Friday 15th of July. Please make sure you consult your respective teacher Mrs Foster or Miss Skidmore to book a time slot if you want to see one of us and have not already confirmed a time to do so. You will have the opportunity to look at your child's profile and discuss their profile information in more detail.

This week:
We are continuing to look at the life cycle of a butterfly and role-playing breaking out of our cocoon that we have made together outside. We will be writing about what happens to the egg after it has been laid and reading stories together that will help explain the process in more detail. Alongside this we are painting symmetry pictures and drawing and labeling the life cycle process.

The children have been learning about money, its value and using money to pay for items priced in our fruit and vegetable shop. We have used numicon to support their understanding and have counted in 1's to match coin values.

Literacy and Phonics
The children will be writing about the butterfly life cycle and ordering the process together with their partners. We will be recapping all our long vowel sounds ai/ee/igh/oa/oo and incorporating these sounds into our writing during morning and afternoon work.

See you in the morning for yet another fantastic week and let's hope the rain stays away this week.

The Reception Team

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