Tuesday 16 October 2007

Harvest Assembly

A great big thank you to all of the parents / grandparents / aunts / uncles and friends who came to our harvest assembly this morning. We hope that you now know how to make some lovely soup, all about fluffy cauliflowers and how to recognise a dingle dangle scarecrow. I know that the children thoroughly enjoyed the singing especially will such a huge audience. Thank you also for the donations towards the Jane Tomlinson appeal - we will keep you posted about this.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thankyou for the harvest assembly, I thought the children sang brilliantly. Annie was so excited to see her big brother Alex singing.
Thanks again and keep u the good work!
Katie Wilkinson
(alex's mum)

Mr & Mrs M said...

The harvest assembly was lovely and all the children sang wonderfully. Can't believe how grown up my little boys are becoming!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the Harvest Assembly and it was lovely to see Connor joining in with all the songs and actions
I thought it was especially sweet watching all the Reception children walk into assembly with their hands clasped in front of them and the concentration on their faces.
The only problem was that unfortunately a lot of the parents could not see any of the children. I think it would have helped if there was some cort of raised area for events like this or that the chairs were set out in such away that we could see more.

Linda West (Connor's Mum)