Tuesday 30 October 2007

Hello all!

I thought it was about time that Miss G had a bit of company on the blog so I thoght I would write a quick note! As some of you know this is my 1st teaching post and I would like to say it has been great to work with all the kids in reception! They have made my 1st fews weeks very pleasurable (if a little exhausting) and I am looking forward to a good 'run-in' to Christmas. They have all been progressing really well & I would like to say please use the phonics sheets that Miss G has taken her time to upload onto the blog, it really does help when the kids practise at home!!
Speak Soon,
Mr Mills


Anonymous said...

Joe Mears said he has enjoyed the move to reception class very much and enjoys being in Mr Mills class. He has got some great friends and loves coming to school.

Anonymous said...

Joe Mears says he has enjoyed moving into Reception class and likes being with Mr Mills. He has also got some new great friends!