Sunday 18 May 2008

SEAL lessons

Please do not worry if you are unable to make the SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) lesson this Monday. If you would like to come, but this Monday was not convenient, ask and we can arrange another time for you to come.

Our New Topic

Although we have not quite finished our follow-up work about our visit to the seaside we are moving onto our next topic which is all about Growing Plants. We will start this week by planting in the hope that when we return after half term we have something to look at and compare! As I have mentioned before I am not very green fingered so would be pleased if anybody who is would like to lend a hand!

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Our WONDERFUL day in Bridlington

Ok so you could accuse me of showing off BUT can you believe that this was Bridlington today!?! It was FANTASTIC!!! Your children were AMAZING both in behaviour and enthusiasm and made it all worthwhile. Please feel free to pop in after school when you can to see the full show of pictures. I hope that you have managed to get them all tucked up in bed - which to be honest is where I am heading! I blame all of that sea air.
Miss G

Sunday 11 May 2008

This week

This will be, without doubt, the week that all of your children remember and remind us all about when they get to year six! It is these "extra" parts of learning that helps them make all of those connections - and of course let's not forget they are usually the most fun parts too!

I refer of course to the trip. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have ANY questions about the trip.

Besides the trip we will be continuing to look at positional language and independent writing skills. When we return to school on Thursday we will be making books about our adventures!

Monday 5 May 2008

This week!

I hope that you have all enjoyed a lovely extended weekend!

PLEASE, please do not forget the meeting for the trip this week and if possible please bring with you your child's NHS number - needed for the paperwork I'm afraid!

This week we will be encouraging independent writing in literacy with lots of hints and situations linked with the book "The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch". If you haven't done so already please feel free to pop in and see the seagulls - I promise that they don't bite!

In numeracy we will be beginning to look at position and direction which involves everyday vocabulary such as under and behind which children often fins confusing.

Of course we will also be leading up our very exciting trip next week with lots of Bridlington talk which will include safety and trip rules conversations.