Wednesday 14 May 2008

Our WONDERFUL day in Bridlington

Ok so you could accuse me of showing off BUT can you believe that this was Bridlington today!?! It was FANTASTIC!!! Your children were AMAZING both in behaviour and enthusiasm and made it all worthwhile. Please feel free to pop in after school when you can to see the full show of pictures. I hope that you have managed to get them all tucked up in bed - which to be honest is where I am heading! I blame all of that sea air.
Miss G


Anonymous said...

wow picture i wish year 6 could go to brid

were you enjoying the relaxing the sun shine hope you got a wow tan

Anonymous said...

just to say thankyou for making the Brid trip such a great day.
Alex really enjoyed it and from talking to the adult helpers it seems it was a really well-organised trip!
Well done!

Katie Wilkinson-Travis