Sunday 11 May 2008

This week

This will be, without doubt, the week that all of your children remember and remind us all about when they get to year six! It is these "extra" parts of learning that helps them make all of those connections - and of course let's not forget they are usually the most fun parts too!

I refer of course to the trip. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have ANY questions about the trip.

Besides the trip we will be continuing to look at positional language and independent writing skills. When we return to school on Thursday we will be making books about our adventures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the girls trip, they really enjoyed it and said they loved paddling in the sea. I was chatting to my next door neighbour who is a reception teacher and she said how lucky they were to get such an exciting trip, especially at a time when some schools would not consider such a trip due to organizing it, risk asessment etc. In fact she was quite jealous as she is off to Temple Newsam!! Again thank you