Tuesday 30 September 2008


We started phonics today! We learnt the 'sssssss' sound today and we looked at the key word 'I'.

Keep watching this space for dates fo the Phonic workshop they will coming very soon!!!! We will hopfully do an afternoon session and an evening session to enable as many of you to come as possible.


Sorry about the size of the banana picture it wasn't meant to be that big!!!

Snacks and Bags!

Just a little reminder about snacks. Please make sure your child only brings in fresh fruit, vegetables, dried friut or a plain biscuit. That means no flapjacks, nuts, cheese, yogurts or cereal bars. Your child only needs one snack per day as we porvide them with a snack in the afternoon.
Could we also ask you not to send your child to school with any additional bags - just a pump bag and a lunch box. I'm sure you will have noticed that the peg situation is a bit of a squeeze and extra bags mean lots of coats end up on the floor.
Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Week 5

I apologise for the lateness of this blog but the system crashed and wouldn't let me play!!!

Anyway, this week our question for learning is "Where do we live?" which is including a look at types of houses and the materials used for houses. We are linking the literacy this week with a revisit of the Three Little Pigs where we will be encouraging the children to form their first formal sentences about why the third pig's house was best! For example starting the sentence with "The brick house was best because..." rather than just starting "because..." - I hope that makes sense!?!

In number work we are ordering numbers to ten - which have been written on houses (see we are so cross-curricular!) In creative work we are building and drawing houses - both our own and those belonging to the three little pigs.

Our Ethos statement this week is "I can talk about a problem to make it better" and we have discussed problems and who we could ask for help.

To link with our topic "Marvellous Me!" we will be sending a small piece of homework home with your child this weekend which we would like you to complete together. They can draw and we would appreciate if you would help label their pictures. Thank you.

Sunday 21 September 2008

Week 4

As we were discussing at the curriculum evening we are going to dedicate this whole week to the question for learning "Who do you care about?"

We will be concentrating on the Social, Emotional and Personal areas of the curriculum and establishing our class rules and expectations for behaviour within our classrooms, at playtimes and in our lives in general.

This fits really well with our Ethos statement for this week which is "I can calm myself down and help others to calm down!" We will be reading the story When Sophie Gets Angry and discussing strategies to stay calm and control our anger (yes I'm back to the testosterone again!)

We will be using ICT to photograph our learning areas to create maps and visual timetables and using ordinal language to order events such as first, next, after that and finally. We will also be starting work on an "All about us!" display.

Curriculum Evening

Can we just say a huge thank you to all of the parents who came along on Wednesday Evening. It really helps when we have these more informal opportunities to pass on information which we feel is useful to you. Please feel free to e-mail us if you have since thought of anything you would like to know.

We hope that you found the evening helpful and hopefully a little fun and we look forward to seeing you all at the phonics training!

Sunday 14 September 2008

Curriculum Evening

Can I remind you that this Wednesday is Curriculum Evening - we are looking forward to letting you know more about the exciting things that we will be teaching your children and how they are taught and assessed.

If you haven't replied please can you do so asap.


Week 3

Our question for learning for this week is "Who do I live with?" and we will be discussing how many people are in our families and who lives with us. If you feel there are any sensitive matters please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will be reading our first class literacy text this week which is called "I Want My Mum!" and we will be asking the children to retell the story and to role-play and Hotseat the main character Jake (the snake).

Also we will be continuing to name the parts of the body and draw ourselves looking closely at mixing colours for our features and skin tones.

Our Ethos Statement for this week is "I know what to do when I am frightened or worried" and will be linked to the Owl Babies story.

Sunday 7 September 2008

Our First Full Week

Just a quick message to let you know that this week we will be looking at our first question in our topic "Marvellous Me!" which is "Who am I?"

We will be taking a close look at our names and ages and having a go at drawing ourselves.

Thank you for your support over the first 3 days - it has been a little hectic but things will get easier as we all settle into our new routines.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

The First Day!!

We both wanted to say what a GREAT day the first day has been today! Your children have been AMAZING - very sensible and took everything in their stride. They had to cope with lots of not very exciting information about lining up, where to put their stuff, where their pegs are, what colour group they are in, how to do the register.....the list is endless......... but they listened brilliantly and they did get lots of time to explore their new classroom - which we think they loved. The weather kept us inside for part of the day - so they still have the outdoor area to look forward to tomorrow - fingers crossed!!!

Please bare with us in the morning and after school - it will be busy and a bit hectic, but once you have got to know us and us you, things will start to settle down - so we would like to thank you in advance for your patience.

Tomorrow will be another busy day, with more time to explore their classroom. In the afternoon we will be doing our first room swap. Miss Gott's class is literacy based and will be called Letter Lisa's room. My class is Numeracy linked and will be called Number Norman's room. We both felt it would be a nice link from nursery for the children. The idea is that each class will spend equal amounts of time in both rooms - accessing a greater range of provision. This will not effect where you pick your children up from as they will always begin and end the day in their own classroom!

I think an early night is order tonight - for everyone - we hope that your children have enjoyed their first day as much as we all have!!

Your comments are always welcome! If you would prefer to e-mail us directly you are very welcome to do so!

Mrs Foster: fosterrl04@leedslearning.net
Miss Gott: gottl01@leedslearning.net

Thank you!
Mrs Foster and Miss Gott

Monday 1 September 2008

I'm on the Blog!!

Hello it's only me!! I'm officially in reception now!!