Wednesday 3 September 2008

The First Day!!

We both wanted to say what a GREAT day the first day has been today! Your children have been AMAZING - very sensible and took everything in their stride. They had to cope with lots of not very exciting information about lining up, where to put their stuff, where their pegs are, what colour group they are in, how to do the register.....the list is endless......... but they listened brilliantly and they did get lots of time to explore their new classroom - which we think they loved. The weather kept us inside for part of the day - so they still have the outdoor area to look forward to tomorrow - fingers crossed!!!

Please bare with us in the morning and after school - it will be busy and a bit hectic, but once you have got to know us and us you, things will start to settle down - so we would like to thank you in advance for your patience.

Tomorrow will be another busy day, with more time to explore their classroom. In the afternoon we will be doing our first room swap. Miss Gott's class is literacy based and will be called Letter Lisa's room. My class is Numeracy linked and will be called Number Norman's room. We both felt it would be a nice link from nursery for the children. The idea is that each class will spend equal amounts of time in both rooms - accessing a greater range of provision. This will not effect where you pick your children up from as they will always begin and end the day in their own classroom!

I think an early night is order tonight - for everyone - we hope that your children have enjoyed their first day as much as we all have!!

Your comments are always welcome! If you would prefer to e-mail us directly you are very welcome to do so!

Mrs Foster:
Miss Gott:

Thank you!
Mrs Foster and Miss Gott

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

philippa is really enjoying "big School", thinks it is "fablious" and loves her new teacher.