Sunday 21 September 2008

Week 4

As we were discussing at the curriculum evening we are going to dedicate this whole week to the question for learning "Who do you care about?"

We will be concentrating on the Social, Emotional and Personal areas of the curriculum and establishing our class rules and expectations for behaviour within our classrooms, at playtimes and in our lives in general.

This fits really well with our Ethos statement for this week which is "I can calm myself down and help others to calm down!" We will be reading the story When Sophie Gets Angry and discussing strategies to stay calm and control our anger (yes I'm back to the testosterone again!)

We will be using ICT to photograph our learning areas to create maps and visual timetables and using ordinal language to order events such as first, next, after that and finally. We will also be starting work on an "All about us!" display.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After two and a bit weeks, I think Paige is finally getting use to the long days and rountine of school. She is really enjoying it and seems to have settled quite well.

Thank you.