Sunday 19 October 2008

Week 8

Well here we are in the last week of our first half term - hasn't it flown!?! Our question for learning this week is based around our family and beliefs and is "What do we celebrate?"

We will be discussing parties and celebrations, what happens in our families and what they mean to us. We will be leading up to have a small celebratory party with the children on Friday afternoon to celebrate our first half term at big school - please do not tell your children this yet as it will be revealed as part of one of our lessons whilst we are looking at invitations! Can we trust you with this secret?

Therefore in Letter Lisa's work we will be looking at invitations and reading an information book called "Time for a Party!" We are hoping that your children will be able to share their experiences of celebrations with us within our Knowledge and understanding inputs and would ask that if you have any special or different celebrations that you feel that your children would like to discuss please allow them to bring photographs or props to help them. In number work we will be continuing to look at 2-d shapes and their properties.

Our Ethos statement is "I can keep calm and stop being angry" and we will be reading a story called "Bad Mood Bear". Any questions please feel free to ask.

Phonics Week 7

We have introduce the tricky word "the" this week. Tricky words are words which the children must be able to recognise on sight as they are not words that can be blended. We have also looked at the sounds "n" and "p" and are beginning to use them in blending and segmenting cvc words such as pin, pen, nip, pet, etc.

Following the phonics training I am working on being able to add the sounds to the blog so please bear with me!

Sunday 12 October 2008

Outdoor PE

We appreciate your help and patience with regards outdoor PE. We feel that the children need to be given the chance to be taught physical games skills as well as indoor gymnastic and movement skills so would like to remind everybody that Monday is our outdoor PE day and Friday is our indoor PE day.

Last Monday was a learning experience for us all (I think we were probably more stressed/ confused than the children!) and we have altered arrangements slightly to make things run more smoothly.

Outdoor kit does not need to be anything fancy simply a pair of tracksuit / jogging bottoms and a jumper / top - obviously this (like everything else) needs to be clearly named. You may wish to provide trainers but your children can wear their pumps for PE.


Week 7

This week our question for learning is "How have I changed?" and we will be reading our first non-fiction texts about how we have changed since we were babies and asking some special visitors about what they can do at their age!

In number work we are taking our first look at shapes, learning some songs about their names and properties and using them to make pictures. We will also be demonstrating how to draw a straight line using a ruler - which is a very difficult skill at the age of 4/5 so maybe one that you could encourage them to "teach" you at home or simply just practice.

Our ethos statement is "I know how to be a good friend" and we will be reading the story "The Selfish Crocodile" and discussing how he was a bad friend and how he changed to become the sort of friends that we like to see in our classrooms.

Phonics week 6

I hope that you have all signed up for the phonics training as I think you will find it will help you lots when your children begin to read and write.

Here are the pictures for the sounds "t" and "i" that we have covered this week. We have also learned the words "is" and "it".

Sunday 5 October 2008

Winter woolies!

I know it's a pain but please, please, please can we make sure that we are labelling the hats, scarves and gloves that the children are beginning to wear. It does not need to be beautiful just clear - Thanks.


Please can we request again that you use the pump / PE bags that we have provided as our cloakroom is very full and this is leading to confusion for the children. Thank you.

Week 6

This week we are asking the children "What do you belong to?" and will be encouraging them to think about family, school, classes and clubs and that they belong to them! It may sound a bit strange but this is our first introduction to the idea of society and religions and faith.

In number work and literacy we will be continuing to carry out some assessment "jobs" with your children to ensure that our teaching is matching their learning requirements. We will be introducing the medium of collage in creative work and fine-tuning scissor skills!

Please remember to return your child (and your) completed homework which created quite a bit of excitement with the children on Friday - "our first big school homework!"

Our Ethos statement this week is "I can work in a team to get a job done" and we will be encouraging teamwork this week throughout the curriculum and with some specific tasks for example programming a Beebot!

Phonics week 5

Just to give you the pictures for the letters "s" and "a" that we have looked at last week. If you click on them you can print them out or save them or simply share them with your children from the computer.
