Sunday 12 October 2008

Week 7

This week our question for learning is "How have I changed?" and we will be reading our first non-fiction texts about how we have changed since we were babies and asking some special visitors about what they can do at their age!

In number work we are taking our first look at shapes, learning some songs about their names and properties and using them to make pictures. We will also be demonstrating how to draw a straight line using a ruler - which is a very difficult skill at the age of 4/5 so maybe one that you could encourage them to "teach" you at home or simply just practice.

Our ethos statement is "I know how to be a good friend" and we will be reading the story "The Selfish Crocodile" and discussing how he was a bad friend and how he changed to become the sort of friends that we like to see in our classrooms.

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