Sunday 19 October 2008

Week 8

Well here we are in the last week of our first half term - hasn't it flown!?! Our question for learning this week is based around our family and beliefs and is "What do we celebrate?"

We will be discussing parties and celebrations, what happens in our families and what they mean to us. We will be leading up to have a small celebratory party with the children on Friday afternoon to celebrate our first half term at big school - please do not tell your children this yet as it will be revealed as part of one of our lessons whilst we are looking at invitations! Can we trust you with this secret?

Therefore in Letter Lisa's work we will be looking at invitations and reading an information book called "Time for a Party!" We are hoping that your children will be able to share their experiences of celebrations with us within our Knowledge and understanding inputs and would ask that if you have any special or different celebrations that you feel that your children would like to discuss please allow them to bring photographs or props to help them. In number work we will be continuing to look at 2-d shapes and their properties.

Our Ethos statement is "I can keep calm and stop being angry" and we will be reading a story called "Bad Mood Bear". Any questions please feel free to ask.


Anonymous said...

Harry Connelly will be so pleased. He loves to go to parties. He is still excited to go to school every day - even 8 weeks on. Thank you for making his first half term so enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

I think as much as it has been a new experience for the children it has for us too. The children learn at such a pace that unless an eye is kept on this blogspot a week or two's work has gone by without any input in the home.

This site is now in 'my favorites' so I can ensure I am speaking about the right things at the right to Henry.

Henry's Dad

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Phonics workshops, they were very useful. It is very suprising to George when we know/discuss what he's been doing at school as he's not too forthcoming when we ask him! It's also really nice to be able to do some Phonics work with him at home rather than playing on the Wii!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you all have a great party today, thanks to all of you for making me so welcome yesterday when I came in to help bake biscuits. I am really looking forwrd to helping in Miss Gott's class next term.

Hope you all have a great holiday.

Anonymous said...

Charlie has really enjoyed his first weeks at school. Thank you Mrs Foster and all the team for helping him to settle in so easily. Already he seams to be learning so much so quickly and I wonder if we will be able to keep up!! The phonics workshops were a great idea and have helped us to to understand how Charlie will learn, without attending them, I think we would be scratching our heads.

Anonymous said...

Megan Speight has really embraced the topic of parties and invitations and has started to make her own birthday party invitations and has made a mental list of who she would like to invite.I am sure the list will change though as her birthday is not until next May!