Thursday 3 March 2011

Curriculum Evenings next week!!

Just to clarify we are holding our second round of curriculum evenings next week. There will be two sessions. (Both the same - so you can choose which day/time suits you best!)

The first will be on:
Monday 7th March between 4pm and 5pm
and the second is on:
Thursday 10th March between 5pm and 6pm.

The focus will be Phase 3 Phonics - so we can bring you up to speed with where we are up to and where we are going!

We are going to put up two sheets in the cloakroom tomorrow so you can sign up for a session - this is just to give us an idea of numbers! For those of you that don't come into cloakroom you can us know via email or ladybirds if thats easier?

We understand that many of you will be attending parents evening for your older children on those days, but we don't mind you popping in and out if thats suits you best! As last time the meeting will not be appropriate for your children to attend.

We hope to see you there!
The Reception Team :)

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