I can't believe we are here already in our final week in Reception - it's scary how quick the year goes - it must be true that time really does fly when you are have fun!!!!!!!
I would just like to say how much we both enjoyed Parents Consultation day on Friday - it was great to share all the fantastic progress your children have made this year - you should be very proud of them - I know we are!!
This week we will be continuing as normal with our phonics, consolidation all our phase 3 sounds and writing sentences using our 4 finger check - we are getting really good at this and our writing is most definitely to Year 1 standard!! In numeracy we will be consolidation our number bonds and our recording of these as well as refreshing our doubles knowledge!!
We will also be looking back over the year and talking about all the amazing things we've done - from visiting Santa at Christmas, our class assemblies, our little chicks and not forgetting our memorable day in Bridlington!! We will also be talking about next year and what they are looking forward to!!
It will be Jump up Day on Tuesday and your child will spend the whole day with their new teacher in Year 1 - the children are getting really excited about this and I shall look forward to hearing all about it on Wednesday!! Due to the changes that are happening in Foundation next year - Tuesday morning will be a little different than normal.
All children will be registering in my classroom (Athens) with Miss Skidmore and Miss Fotopoulou.
Please bring your child to my outside classroom door (just to right of the cloakroom doors) they will need to keep all their belongings with them as they will not be going into the cloakroom. THEY WILL NOT NEED THEIR BOOK BAGS so please leave those at home on Tuesday!
Once the children have been registered - they will then go into the hall and go off with their new teacher into their new classroom.
The children will return back to my classroom at 3:15pm ready to go home at 3:30pm.
Please collect your child from my classroom again using the outside classroom door!
I hope that all makes sense - any questions please ask!!
So there is it our last week.....it's going to be an emotional one as we say goodbye on Friday - so bring your tissues!!
The Reception Team
Wow. First year up already. Hard to believe. Sorry the parent consultation overran a little, but it was worth it to hear how the year had gone. Thanks for all the hard work you and the other teachers and assistants have put into looking after and developing the class and for all the blogs and emails!
A big thank you to Mrs Skidmore, Mrs Rymer and all other teachers for all their hard work in New York Class.The parent consultation was very informative and great to hear how they are doing at school. Molly has loved being in Reception and so looks forward to coming to school, hope it continues.
Thank you!!
Mrs Rx
Thank you very much for your kind words, this year has flown by and I will miss them all so very much!! Molly had a lovely time in Year 1 today x
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