Sunday 6 July 2008

The last two weeks!

How quickly has this year gone!?! I can't believe that I'm winding up the year with my final assessments and chats with you all and preparing your children for their new adventures in year one!

This week we will be having sports morning on Tuesday so please come along and support your children. We think it will be from 9.15 ish until about 11.30 ish at the latest. On Thursday your children will spend most of the day with their new teacher - which is always a little sad for us that get left behind and they are usually a little apprehensive. You will be notified beforehand which teacher your child will get but please ask if you have any questions or concerns.

This week's literacy will be entitled "My Memories of Reception" where we will be looking at photographs from throughout the year and writing about what we have enjoyed. In numeracy we will be assessing their addition and subtraction abilities to inform their next teacher of their next steps in learning.

Next week your children will be having a french day on Monday which involves a lovely sounding lunch. If your child has a packed lunch but they would like to join in please complete the form sent home. I will be joining the children for "un peu du poulet".

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