Tuesday 1 July 2008

Wow - what did I learn!?!

Well as I have already told you, this week is Space Week and today we went in an inflatable dome (or a bubble as it has just been described to me by one of my girls) to look at stars!

We were shown how to recognise different star constellations like Orion, the Great Bear and Pegasus along with a story. We were also told about Beetlejuice a star that is dying in the sky and therefore burns red.

They say that every day is a school day - and they are right because I've learnt a lot today!


Anonymous said...

as you know emily absolutely loved the bubble and learning about stars. Jessica also came back very excited and found a website that she had been looking at stars on at school. Again thank you to all the teachers for organizing such a fun day

Anonymous said...

Emily has really enjoyed Space Week and learnt a lot about our Solar System. She has been telling us about the constellations she has seen in the dome, naming the planets and lots more. What a great way to learn.