Saturday 12 July 2008

Our Final Week

I hope that you are all prepared or tears at the end of the week - I mean from me not the children! I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year in Reception which has been made even better by your amazing children. Paris Class have spend the last week reminiscing by looking through all of the photos I have taken during the year and talking about everything we can remember. We have used this for our final Big Write of the year and each and every one of your children has blown me away with their progress!

Anyway I wasn't here to tell you about that. Just a few quick reminders:

Monday is French Day - please dress in red, white and blue and bring along some food if you would like to contribute!
Wednesday is Kebab day where we will be making our "healthy veggie kebabs" in DT and having a taste to see if we did a good job!
Thursday is hopefully sports morning - we'll probably need a little exercise after all of that eating!
Friday is games day - please allow your children to bring in "sharing toys and games" not electronic games or anything with a million bits that could get lost (or eaten!)

I hope that I will get to speak to you all this week but if not - A GREAT BIG THANK YOU FOR READING THIS and a heartfelt congratulations for your fab children! I look forward to seeing them progress further in Year 1 and they have promised to still talk to / hug me when they see me!

Miss G x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had a lovely time with you Miss Gott in Paris class, thank you love from Ella xxxx