Monday 3 January 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everybody we hope you've had a great holiday!! I'm sure you're all ready to get back to normal and back to the routine - I know we are!!!

So this week.....yet again lots to do so here goes with a brief overview!

We begin this term with a brief look at winter where we will be reading some winter stories, looking at the film 'March of the Penguins' and finding out some facts about penguins - we will be thinking about the weather, although we hope that the snow and ice does not return!! We will also be looking at 'Happy Feet', if anybody has a copy of the DVD - could we borrow it as we would like to show the children a couple of short extracts as a fascinator!

We are getting ready to start Phase 3 phonics - but before we do we are going to recap all the phase 2 work we did last term - so this week will involve lots of blending and segmenting using the phase 2 phonemes and we will be writing short captions using the 4 finger check - this is 4 points that they need to remember when writing:

  1. Capital letter

  2. Full Stop

  3. Finger spaces

  4. Does it make sense

Numeracy this week we will be singing our days of the week song and reading and writing numerals. Our main focus will be finding the missing number along a number line and using all our problem solving skills to do this - we will be encouraging the children to describe how they know what the missing number is e.g. 'I know it's 12 because 12 comes after 11 and before 13.'

This week also sees the beginning of our new dinnertime 'family service'. We will now be going for dinner at 12:30pm with Year 6. We will be using our new dining tables and chairs and Mrs Rymer and Miss Fotopoulou will continue to have dinner with the children. There is also a change to myself and Miss Skidmore's PPA time and this will now be on a Friday morning. Miss Russell will continue to cover Athens class and Miss Gott will be covering New York class. I will also be out of class on a Tuesday afternoon and Miss Russell will cover this time too.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow - early nights all round I think! :)

Thank you

The Reception Team

1 comment:

Penny Moore said...

Happy New Year!

Sounds like you're all going to be very busy.

Are there any interactive numeracy games that we could access on the blog please?