Last week was a great first week back - the children all came back settled and ready for the new term - a fab start to Spring term!!
This week we will begin looking at Chinese New Year, we will be learning about the story of Chinese New Year and finding out which animals we all are. I believe that I am a goat and Miss Skidmore is a pig - sorry I mean a boar!! :) We will also be learning about Chinese New Year traditions, such as the red envelopes and the Chinese Dragon Dance!! We will also be looking at Chinese food - if anybody has any chopsticks we could borrow that would be great!
During literacy this week we will begin looking at our first Traditional Tale - The Gingerbread Man - we will be doing lots of role play and hot seating (This is where the children pretend to be one of the characters and they answer questions in role.) We will sequencing the story and taking part in lots of shared reading!!
Phonics this week sees the start of Phase 3!! We will be learning the consonant digraph ch-sh-th-ng and learning to read the Tricky Words 'said' and 'was'! We will also be continuing with caption writing and incorporating our new sounds and words!!
Numeracy this week will focus on time - we will be sequencing the school day and also introducing telling the time beginning with 'o' clock! We will be counting in 5's as we count around the clock and talking about how many minutes in a hour!!!
Our SEAL statement this week is 'I am patient and I persist with my work' so will be talking lots about keeping on going even when things get a little tough!
PE this week will see the start of Gymnastics - we will be thinking about how we can move our bodies to travel around equipment - we hope to get the apparatus out - which we think the children will love!!
Just a quick note on dinner times - After a few trails last week - we are now moving back to our normal dinnertime, in fact a little earlier at 11:30am - which in lots of ways is better as we have a more balanced morning and afternoon - rather that a super long morning followed by a very short afternoon! The children are enjoying eating at the new tables and are becoming very independent at serving their own food!! I will take some photo's this week and post on here!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and we shall see you all tomorrow!!
The Reception Team
P.S Mr Oulton - Alice bought H's PE bag home by mistake!! It's all washed and ironed and ready to go! :)
Phew! Thanks for that...I had visions of Henry having to do PE in his vest and pants!
well you'll be pleased to know that those traumatic days of doing PE in your vest and pants are gone! I think I was scarred for life!
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