Tuesday 18 January 2011

Methley’s World Book Cup

Here goes the explanation of how you can earn points and rewards for your class in the World Book Cup! To earn points and qualify you must be reading at home and have your reading record signed by the person that you have read with.

If everybody (100% of the children) in the class has read to somebody at home then your class will be rewarded with a huge 10 points. If three quarters or more of the children (75% to 99%) have read then you will earn a great 5 points or if half of the children (50% 50 74%) of the children have read then your class will get 3 points BUT if less than half (49% or less) have read at home then your class will not earn any points that week!

So this means that you need to make sure that you are taking your books home as often as possible to read to somebody and earn those fabulous points!

Good luck!

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