Wednesday 25 May 2011

Castleford Tigers

Just a quick reminder that we still have some FREE junior tickets and a special BOGOF offer adult (and concession) tickets for the Castleford V Harlequins match for this Sunday. Please ask in the office or return the slip if you are interested.

Monday 23 May 2011

Feedback form

Please remember to complete your parent’s feedback forms. We appreciate all feedback - although we often feel that those of you who are happy with what we do can forget to tell us that! Please remember that the deadline for returning the forms is Wednesday. Thanks.

Change For Life Week

This week is Change For Life Week at Methley Primary School. There are many exciting activities we have arranged for our children to participate in to encourage and learn about healthy living.

These include:

  • Tuesday 24th May AM: Key Stage 1 sports day
  • Wednesday 25th May AM : Key stage 2 sports day
  • Wednesday 25th May PM & All day Thursday 26th May : Speedmark!!
  • Thursday 26th May and Friday 27th May : Commando Joe assault course!
  • A healthy breakfast in class!
  • Secret Smile agents
  • SEAL Emotional Health Train
  • Learn a Diversity Dance!

For more information, take a look at this website...

Sunday 22 May 2011

Week commencing 23rd May

It is final week of this half term, where has the time gone? We only have seven weeks left together after the holidays which includes our trip to Bridlington which we are all very excited about.

This week is our healthy eating week, we will be exploring ways of staying healthy through exercise and looking at the food we eat. This links in with our sports day, speedmark and commando Joe's visits this week. The children will need their P.E kits in school ALL WEEK please.... here is a timetable for you:-

We have our second Commando Joe's assembly in the morning. After that we will be introducing the Healthy Week by making a healthy fruit salad for us all to enjoy. The children will be preparing the fruit themselves and learning how to use a knife safely to chop the fruit!!

Sports day is being held at 9.15 on the sports field please bring a chair to sit on for this event. As soon as we have registered the children will be going to house groups ready for us to parade onto the field! Could children arrive at school on Tuesday wearing their OUTDOOR PE kits - if it's cold they can put their coloured t-shirts over their jumpers, that way they will stay warm outside!! We expect that the sports morning will be finished by 11am at the latest!! (probably before!)

The children will need their P.E kits for the Speedmark challenge in the afternoon. The children will have a go at kicking a football into the goal to see what speed they can achieve.This is linked to the sponsorship form that the children brought home last week! Each child will get 3 shots at goal and there will be a medal for the fastest kick from each class (boy and girl!) Please bring your child's sponsorship form back to school on Wednesday. For those of you that have other children in school it's fine to just fill in one form!

We will be having a P.E afternoon, where the children will be doing circuits of various different exercises around the field and looking at what happens to their bodies when they exercise.

We are inviting the children to have a healthy breakfast with us at 9.00 in our classrooms.
We will be providing the cereal, milk, fruit and juice required for this; so please ensure the children have not already eaten too much before they arrive. In the afternoon it is our Commando Joe's sports afternoon so P.E kits will be required again on this day.

P.E Kits
On the subject of P.E kits the children will require their outdoor trainers and kits this week. We have noticed that some of the children have footwear that has become too small over the course of the year. Due to the fact most of the bags are already packed up, this may have not been detected. Could you please check that the children have appropriate footwear that still fits, as we would hate anyone to have to miss sports day!!

If you have any queries just ask the adults on the doors in the morning.

Thank- you

The Reception Team

Sunday 15 May 2011

Week commencing 16th May

This week is our last week looking at the Lighthouse keeper's Lunch. We will be changing our outdoor area for numeracy challenges this week. We will be measuring the playground using rulers, trundle wheels and meter sticks and seeing how fast things travel using ramps. We will record our information and conduct mini investigations i.e make paper airplanes and see how far they fly. Topic will be linked to healthy eating this week and we will be looking at Mr Grinlin's lunch and seeing what healthy choices he could make.

Sport's day
Tuesday 24th May is sports day the children will be getting in their house groups this week to practice. Ask your child which house group they are in and what their colour is? This is the same colour as their registration cards in the morning. The children will be dressing in their house colour T-shirts for sports: orange/purple/blue/red/green/yellow.

This week we will be looking at holiday destinations and we would like the children to bring in their holiday snaps from both English trips and one's they have taken abroad, we would like to put these on a display so please make sure they are not photos that you do not mind sharing with us!!

See you all in the morning

The Reception Team

Sunday 8 May 2011

Week commencing 9th May

Well it's our first five day week for a while and it will be nice for the children to get back into a routine in school.

Literacy and topic
This week we will be continuing with the story the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. The children have helped us set-up a fantastic role-play area outside featuring a large scale papier mache lighthouse and a rope for the food basket to travel along... ask your children about what happened to Mr Grinlin and his lunch? The children will be making sandwiches and trying some mustard as this is what Mrs Grinlin put in the sandwiches to fool the seagulls. Carrying on with our holiday theme we are also setting up a travel agents inside so the children can make passports, pretend to recommend and sell holidays, discover different parts of the world and investigate the weather. We started by asking the children what they would ask a travel agents? We had some interesting responses such as "Can I buy a car please?", "Can I have some fish and chips?" "Do you have some flowers?" . We will be inevitably clearing up any m misconceptions and we be finding out exactly what a travel agents is, what they do and how we can book holidays nowadays.

REQUEST: If anyone has any old holiday brochures, small suitcases, sunglasses etc... they do not need anymore, we would love to have them to enhance our role-play areas - they would be well used!!!!

We will be revisiting subtraction singing some of our songs such as 10 green bottles, 10 little monkey's jumping on the bed and 10 little aeroplanes. We will be looking at the rules surrounding subtraction such as when you subtract items from a larger group the number of items left gets smaller. We will discuss how you must start with the largest number when taking away. We will explore the vocabulary we use for subtraction and we will use numicon to support us whilst problem solving.

We will be consolidating all the sounds we have learned this half term (oi, ar, ow) and playing a magic hat game which encourages the children to decode and write words that contain these sounds. We will be making sandwiches in literacy and the children will combine their phonic knowledge with their ability to follow instructions by writing their very own instructions about how to make a sandwich.

As always we will be practicing for sports day this week and we will put a reminder up on the noticeboard for you this week.

The Reception Team

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Welcome Back!!

Well, after quite a disruptive half term we are now in full swing again and can concentrate on our up and comming sports day by setting up a race area in our outdoor space....

Here is what the week ahead has in store for us this week:-

We will be reading the story The Lighthousekeepers Lunch and creating a huge papermache Lighthouse to role-play the story along with the props outside; near our beach and cafe. The children have already started with the first layer and tommorrow we will add the next before we eventually paint it!!

Continuing with the long vowels this half term the children are looking at the new sound 'ow' found in words such as crown, brown, cow etc... We will be playing high frequency bingo to see how well the children have secured phase 2 and 3 keywords as well as all our tricky words learned so far.

Using numcion the children will be looking at place value and what the digits represent in a number such as 13 (1 ten and 3 units) demonstrating this by holding up the correct numicon values in each 2-digit number they are shown. We will be counting 2's 5's and 10's.

We will be starting to look at the final season summer, investigate where England is on the world map and discuss that we are in fact an Island.
We will be discussing what we do in the warmer weather such as go on holiday and we have already started setting up our own beach and cafe outside.

As you can see we have another fun filled week in store, we hope the children get plenty of rest this week as it will be difficult adjusting to full time hours again. Thank you to all the parents who have brought in labelled hats and sun cream!!

The Reception team