Here is what the week ahead has in store for us this week:-
We will be reading the story The Lighthousekeepers Lunch and creating a huge papermache Lighthouse to role-play the story along with the props outside; near our beach and cafe. The children have already started with the first layer and tommorrow we will add the next before we eventually paint it!!
Continuing with the long vowels this half term the children are looking at the new sound 'ow' found in words such as crown, brown, cow etc... We will be playing high frequency bingo to see how well the children have secured phase 2 and 3 keywords as well as all our tricky words learned so far.
Using numcion the children will be looking at place value and what the digits represent in a number such as 13 (1 ten and 3 units) demonstrating this by holding up the correct numicon values in each 2-digit number they are shown. We will be counting 2's 5's and 10's.
We will be starting to look at the final season summer, investigate where England is on the world map and discuss that we are in fact an Island.
We will be discussing what we do in the warmer weather such as go on holiday and we have already started setting up our own beach and cafe outside.
As you can see we have another fun filled week in store, we hope the children get plenty of rest this week as it will be difficult adjusting to full time hours again. Thank you to all the parents who have brought in labelled hats and sun cream!!
The Reception team
1 comment:
Tom is very excited about the trip to the seaside. How many sleeps until the big day!!
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