Sunday 22 May 2011

Week commencing 23rd May

It is final week of this half term, where has the time gone? We only have seven weeks left together after the holidays which includes our trip to Bridlington which we are all very excited about.

This week is our healthy eating week, we will be exploring ways of staying healthy through exercise and looking at the food we eat. This links in with our sports day, speedmark and commando Joe's visits this week. The children will need their P.E kits in school ALL WEEK please.... here is a timetable for you:-

We have our second Commando Joe's assembly in the morning. After that we will be introducing the Healthy Week by making a healthy fruit salad for us all to enjoy. The children will be preparing the fruit themselves and learning how to use a knife safely to chop the fruit!!

Sports day is being held at 9.15 on the sports field please bring a chair to sit on for this event. As soon as we have registered the children will be going to house groups ready for us to parade onto the field! Could children arrive at school on Tuesday wearing their OUTDOOR PE kits - if it's cold they can put their coloured t-shirts over their jumpers, that way they will stay warm outside!! We expect that the sports morning will be finished by 11am at the latest!! (probably before!)

The children will need their P.E kits for the Speedmark challenge in the afternoon. The children will have a go at kicking a football into the goal to see what speed they can achieve.This is linked to the sponsorship form that the children brought home last week! Each child will get 3 shots at goal and there will be a medal for the fastest kick from each class (boy and girl!) Please bring your child's sponsorship form back to school on Wednesday. For those of you that have other children in school it's fine to just fill in one form!

We will be having a P.E afternoon, where the children will be doing circuits of various different exercises around the field and looking at what happens to their bodies when they exercise.

We are inviting the children to have a healthy breakfast with us at 9.00 in our classrooms.
We will be providing the cereal, milk, fruit and juice required for this; so please ensure the children have not already eaten too much before they arrive. In the afternoon it is our Commando Joe's sports afternoon so P.E kits will be required again on this day.

P.E Kits
On the subject of P.E kits the children will require their outdoor trainers and kits this week. We have noticed that some of the children have footwear that has become too small over the course of the year. Due to the fact most of the bags are already packed up, this may have not been detected. Could you please check that the children have appropriate footwear that still fits, as we would hate anyone to have to miss sports day!!

If you have any queries just ask the adults on the doors in the morning.

Thank- you

The Reception Team


Anonymous said...

I'm assuming your joking on please bring a chair!!! ?

Lesley Mc said...

Thanks so much for the timetable for the week. I was struggling to work out what was happening when. Sounds like there will be some tired bunnies at the end of the week...and thats just the teachers!

Gill Hartley said...

Loved sports morning, thank you. Poppy made us very proud when she romped home in the sack winning the obstacle race!!

Thanks also for letting us know about them growing out of their trainers, you're right, it's something that's packed and I never see her in her PE kit.

On the subject of PE kit - Poppy has a white T shirt and her fleese missing, if anyone can help.

I don't have a feedback form, when were they sent home?

I hadn't realised the children had been told about the seaside trip, may be Poppy's just forgotten to mention it.

C M said...

I think the kids are going to sleep most of their week off!

Also I was wondering how many other people had noticed that the school is only getting 50% of the Speedmark sponsorship funds, and that Speedmark was keeping the rest! To me the school isn't getting the best of deals out of this arrangement.

Think I'll be giving a donation separately to the school, and a small one through the sponsorship form, so my child can join in with the goal kick fun.