Sunday 8 May 2011

Week commencing 9th May

Well it's our first five day week for a while and it will be nice for the children to get back into a routine in school.

Literacy and topic
This week we will be continuing with the story the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. The children have helped us set-up a fantastic role-play area outside featuring a large scale papier mache lighthouse and a rope for the food basket to travel along... ask your children about what happened to Mr Grinlin and his lunch? The children will be making sandwiches and trying some mustard as this is what Mrs Grinlin put in the sandwiches to fool the seagulls. Carrying on with our holiday theme we are also setting up a travel agents inside so the children can make passports, pretend to recommend and sell holidays, discover different parts of the world and investigate the weather. We started by asking the children what they would ask a travel agents? We had some interesting responses such as "Can I buy a car please?", "Can I have some fish and chips?" "Do you have some flowers?" . We will be inevitably clearing up any m misconceptions and we be finding out exactly what a travel agents is, what they do and how we can book holidays nowadays.

REQUEST: If anyone has any old holiday brochures, small suitcases, sunglasses etc... they do not need anymore, we would love to have them to enhance our role-play areas - they would be well used!!!!

We will be revisiting subtraction singing some of our songs such as 10 green bottles, 10 little monkey's jumping on the bed and 10 little aeroplanes. We will be looking at the rules surrounding subtraction such as when you subtract items from a larger group the number of items left gets smaller. We will discuss how you must start with the largest number when taking away. We will explore the vocabulary we use for subtraction and we will use numicon to support us whilst problem solving.

We will be consolidating all the sounds we have learned this half term (oi, ar, ow) and playing a magic hat game which encourages the children to decode and write words that contain these sounds. We will be making sandwiches in literacy and the children will combine their phonic knowledge with their ability to follow instructions by writing their very own instructions about how to make a sandwich.

As always we will be practicing for sports day this week and we will put a reminder up on the noticeboard for you this week.

The Reception Team

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