Wednesday 30 January 2008

Church Walk

Can I just say a huge thank you to all of the parent helpers for the lovely walk to the church today. Yet again the children made me very proud and look forward to our summer trip even more!
Thanks again! Miss G

Tuesday 29 January 2008

Church Walk

Please remember that tomorrow is our Church walk and all children will need to be equipped with comfortable shoes and warm coats etc. I know the weather is much better today but unfortunately the forecast is that it is to be short lived!!! Roll on summer!

Sunday 27 January 2008

Show and Tell

Can I ask you to please think whether the item your child is bringing for "show and tell" is special as we are spending a long time looking at toys and teddies. I don't want to be a bore and have to limit who brings things on which weeks as this is difficult to manage for me and you. I think it is a very important learning experience for the children but not one that they have to participate in every week - sometimes they gain as much asking the questions and listening to others.
Thank you for your support with ensuring that all children get an equal turn in sharing.

Lunch and snacks

Just a quick reminder that we ask you to provide "treat" food for packed lunches on Fridays only. This includes anything coated in chocolate - thanks.

Similarly only fresh fruit or vegetables or plain biscuits for snacks and fresh water each day for their drinks bottles - thanks. Nagging over!

Phonics Spring week 3

Here are last week's sounds for you to practice!

Friday 25 January 2008


WOW I'm getting into this again! It's amazing what you can do with a camera and a bit of patience! I hope this helps. The only other shape that we will refer to that I couldn't find a picture of would be a prism eg a triangular prism would be a shape that if you sliced it you would get lots of triangles (it looks like a toblerone box). In further years they will move onto hexagonal prisms, octagonal prisms, etc!

Reception week 4

Can you believe that we are at week 4 of 5 already??? The highlight of this week will hopefully (weather permitting) be the walk to St Oswalds on Wednesday. If you haven't already done so please send in your permission slip so that we can ensure that everybody is able to come along. Parents who have volunteered (thank you lots) to come along we will need you to pop into the hall on the morning prior to the walk for us to provide you with the relevant information regarding the risk assessment and what we would like you to "investigate" with the children.

In literacy this week we are looking at a text which is one of my favourites "I don't want to go to bed". Probably words which you have heard once or twice before! We will be basing a Big Writing on this text in the final week of this half term.

In numeracy we will be revisiting 3-d shapes and looking at both being able to name them and be able to describe their properties. We would like if you have any objects around your home that the children recognise as a particular shape that you either get them to bring it in to show us or that you could write down what they said about the shape and perhaps photograph them with it. A fun activity may be to create a "shape hunt" around the room where even a carefully placed shape or 2 may have been hidden!

Thanks for reading! Miss G

Monday 21 January 2008

Paris Class

For the next few weeks we are lucky enough to have Miss Prust teaching one of our lessons each day. She is a student teacher from Leeds Met who is doing a fab job of both planning and teaching with my guidance. The children seem to really like her and her enthusiasm is amazing but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Miss G

This week in Reception

Just a quick note to let you know that this week in Reception we are beginning to tackle subtraction- we are feeling very brave! This will include looking at different words for subtraction such as take away, less than, counting back and minus.

In literacy we are having a "busy week" which means that we are using the time to complete long observations for their profiles.

Phonics as above - happy learning!
Miss G

Sunday 13 January 2008

Well done Paris Class

WELL DONE PARIS CLASS!!! This week Paris Class will be celebrating reaching their class target with a cinema afternoon. We have mastered the ability to move around school in an orderly and quiet line! We will be setting ourselves another target this week.

This week in Reception

This week we will be completing another BigWriting based roughly on the text "I looked through the window" which we have been looking at. We will also be introducing the children to Kung Fu Punctuation which is a kinaesthetic way of teaching children to remember and use punctuation. If you would like to know more about this (and maybe even a demonstration if you promise not to laugh at me) let me know and I will hold a very short "lesson" on Friday after you have dropped off your children for those interested.

In numeracy we will be revisiting number bonds to ten in a very practical way introducing problems to reinforce the children's learning.

We will be sending a letter out soon regarding a visit to St Oswalds church and (as usual) we will be asking if you could spare a couple of hours to help - please let us now if this will be possible as these visits help us make the children's learning much more interesting and without volunteers we are unable to make them happen (it will be a Wednesday morning).

Thanks Miss G
ps don't forget to let me know about Friday!

Spring phonics!

This is the phonics from spring week 1. As you will notice we have progressed to digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound).


And there's more!


Here are the missing phonics from December!

Tuesday 8 January 2008

New topics!

As promised I would like to tell you a little about the topics we will be looking at this term. In History we will be looking at "The History of the Seaside" which will lead into the Geography topic "Going to the Seaside" next term for which we will be organising a trip to Scarborough!!! Obviously more details of this will follow. In art we will be making Punch and Judy style sculptures in the style of a modern artist called Claude Bazilier.

We will be looking at Sound and Hearing in the next half term when we will also be making musical instruments in DT.

In RE we will be looking at Places of Worship and taking a walk to the local church. In PSHCE our current heading is "Going for Goals" and we will looking at our successes and setting targets for improvements.

This week in Numeracy we are looking at capacity and estimating amounts of water and we will be continuing to look at number bonds to ten next week.

In literacy we have a bit of a bedtime theme for this half term as we are looking at two books entitled "I looked throught my Window" and "I don't want to go to bed". We will be using these as a basis for our next two Big Writings.

Monday 7 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Can I firstly say a big sorry to those of you that did get into blogging but I began to feel too lonely so stopped but new year - new start and I will if you will! I'll start again if you talk to me.
I have just upgraded my technology at home so it should be a little easier as I've joined this century with broadband - yes I was still on dial-up so things took forever!

I would also like to say a huge thanks for all the lovely cards and gifts that I received at Christmas - you really did spoil me!

Anyway it has been the first day back today and I would like to tell you that it has been fab - you would never think that the children had been away from the school environment for 2 weeks. Although there were a few eyes creeping closed by storytime!

Thanks again for all of your support and I look forward to another 2 terms of amazing learning from all of your amazing children. I will update you regarding topics tomorrow so watch this space!

Miss G