Tuesday 8 January 2008

New topics!

As promised I would like to tell you a little about the topics we will be looking at this term. In History we will be looking at "The History of the Seaside" which will lead into the Geography topic "Going to the Seaside" next term for which we will be organising a trip to Scarborough!!! Obviously more details of this will follow. In art we will be making Punch and Judy style sculptures in the style of a modern artist called Claude Bazilier.

We will be looking at Sound and Hearing in the next half term when we will also be making musical instruments in DT.

In RE we will be looking at Places of Worship and taking a walk to the local church. In PSHCE our current heading is "Going for Goals" and we will looking at our successes and setting targets for improvements.

This week in Numeracy we are looking at capacity and estimating amounts of water and we will be continuing to look at number bonds to ten next week.

In literacy we have a bit of a bedtime theme for this half term as we are looking at two books entitled "I looked throught my Window" and "I don't want to go to bed". We will be using these as a basis for our next two Big Writings.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update of what the children will be doing over the coming weeks. We have though already been informed that "Miss Gott is taking us to Scarborough!" Can I come too?

Anonymous said...

good to have you back!!!
emily and jessica have mentioned the trip to the seaside and every night have asked me when it is going to be sunny as they need to take their swimming costumes to school!!!
Thank you for the update as to the topics they are covering as it does help. Emily has recently been talking about churches and fonts and now I know why