Friday 25 January 2008

Reception week 4

Can you believe that we are at week 4 of 5 already??? The highlight of this week will hopefully (weather permitting) be the walk to St Oswalds on Wednesday. If you haven't already done so please send in your permission slip so that we can ensure that everybody is able to come along. Parents who have volunteered (thank you lots) to come along we will need you to pop into the hall on the morning prior to the walk for us to provide you with the relevant information regarding the risk assessment and what we would like you to "investigate" with the children.

In literacy this week we are looking at a text which is one of my favourites "I don't want to go to bed". Probably words which you have heard once or twice before! We will be basing a Big Writing on this text in the final week of this half term.

In numeracy we will be revisiting 3-d shapes and looking at both being able to name them and be able to describe their properties. We would like if you have any objects around your home that the children recognise as a particular shape that you either get them to bring it in to show us or that you could write down what they said about the shape and perhaps photograph them with it. A fun activity may be to create a "shape hunt" around the room where even a carefully placed shape or 2 may have been hidden!

Thanks for reading! Miss G

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