Thursday 30 September 2010

Dinner today 30th Sept

Dinner today was as follows:

Meatballs and spaghetti (lots of messy faces!!:)) Cauliflower and Carrots

Pudding was a homemade biscuit and a yogurt!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Here are some more rainy day Reception pics with our snazzy new rainmacs................
Don't we look ace!!

Miss Skidmore


Today I have tried to scan a copy of the Methley School menu for you to look at BUT unfortunately it has not come out very clearly. We do have a copy of it up in Reception at the moment on the noticeboard and I will get a clearer copy printed out tommorrow and get it on the blog ASAP!!

Miss Skidmore

The Ponchos.............

We made the most of the wet weather today in Reception and tried out our new cool Ponchos!!!!!!! All we need now is a class set of wellies.....

Our Baby Visit

A big thank you to C's Mum who brought in Baby K today. The children thought it was great and Me and Miss Skidmore got to have a little cuddle too!!!

Dinner Today 29th Sept

Dinner Today was as follows:

Roast Chicken, Roast potatoes, Cabbage and Brocoli - with Gravy of cousre!!

Pudding was Fruit Crumble and Custard.

Miss Skidmore has said she will scan in the menu and post on the blog!!

Mrs Foster

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Dinner Today 28th Sept

Dinner today was as follows:

Spicy Beef and Rice with Mixed Veg - some children had Marcarconi cheese instead.

Pudding was Bakewell Tart and Custard - some children had a yogurt or fruit instead!

Mrs Westerman has very kindly given me a copy of the menu that I have put up in the cloakroom - however we don't mind adding to blog if you find it useful??

Thank You

Monday 27 September 2010

We have started working through our first set of sounds s,a,t,p,i,n this half term. We have demonstrated that these letters can be put together to create words. The children have been chopping various words into sounds p/i/t and sounding them out which has allowed them to then blend the letters together to read. The children have amazed me with their letter recognition and have done fabulously well!!
We are holding our first phonics curriculum evening on 7th October more details to follow.... which will allow us to explain how we teach phonics in Reception.
The children will be getting their reading books this week and some books may contain keywords; some of which can be decoded such as a-t and i-t. The tricky keywords have to be learn't by sight. This can be done daily with a 5 minute flashcard session. As we introduce the words we will publish them on the blog, in newsletters or put on our noticeboards. Flashcards could be build up weekly so the children can move throught these words fairly quickly. We have started with 'the' and 'I' so far and we have been hunting for these words in class. If you could use, show and allow the children to practice reading and writing these words this would be a great help!!
Thanks Miss Skidmore

Dinner Today 27th Sept

Dinner today was as follows:-

Creamy Pasta with ham and mushroom

New potatoes, sweetcorn and peas.

Pudding was - Rice Crispy Slice!!

Sunday 26 September 2010

Baby Photo

Hi everyone,

As requested this is Miss Skidmore as a child. I think I was about 3 or 4 here so just the same age as you guys are now!! Just how cute am I don't be fooled by this cheeky grin I was a bit of a handful so my mum says.... Anyway cannot wait until I see all your fabulous photos so don't forget to bring them in for our baby display.

I think we even had polaroids!!!

Looking forward to seeing you all Monday Morning...............

Miss Skidmore

Baby Photos

Here is my baby photo - you can show this to your child in prepartion for this week!! They may also be wondering what that wooden box is in the background...haha!!

Can't wait to see Miss Skidmore's baby this space..... I think they had cameras back then......??;-)

Mrs Foster

Week Beginning 27th September 2010

This week in Reception starts with our SEAL lesson and assembly. Our SEAL theme at the moment is 'New Beginnings'. Each week we have a different SEAL statement to work on and this weeks is 'I can think of ways to solve a problem.' For those of you that are able to join for SEAL this week - we will begin the lesson at 9am and then go into assembly at 9:30am. After assembly you are welcome to join us back in the classroom and then I believe there will be refreshments served in the hall. You should be free to leave at around 10:30am. Having parents in the classroom can be very exciting for your children and then a little upsetting when it's time for you to go. Please make sure that you explain to your children that you wont be there for the whole morning and hopefully this might help - fingers crossed!!

The Rest of the week in Reception is as follows:

Phonics: We will be recapping i-n-m-d and learning how to form these letters. We will also be continuing to practice s-a-t-p from last week, as well as learning to read the tricky word 'the' and learning to blend the high frequency words is-in-it-at.

Number: We will be continuing to practice our number formation and working on simple estimation and 1:1 counting.

Topic: We will be looking at, 'How we have changed?'. We would like all the children to bring in a picture of them as a baby so we can all look at how they have changed - you can start sending these in tomorrow. We will also be thinking about all the things they can do now that they couldn't when they were a baby. Our portraits are still work in progress but are coming on nicely:)

During our shared reading time - we will be reading lots of stories with rhyme and repetition and also talking to the children about the difference between a letter and a word - this is all in preparation for us to begin to hand out reading books. We will begin our initial reading assessment this week and when we have completed this you child will bring home their first reading book!!

So here's to another action packed week......

Thank You
The Reception Team

Friday 24 September 2010

Dinnertime 24/9/10

Well our last meal of the week was fishfingers, vegetables and chips followed by scrummy chocolate pudding and custard!! The children are starting to give out their own cutlery and plates now and making a good job of their manners!!

See you next week!!

Miss Skidmore

Thursday 23 September 2010


As we are a school greatly involved in our local community, so the Reception team just wanted to inform you about the change4life walk taking place this weekend starting at Methley primary School at 9.30 am, Saturday the 25th of September. Going for a walk is a great way of getting fresh air and having a change of scenery. Walk4Life has teamed up with Walk England to help us plan, create and share walks. So come along and share a walk with us as Methley primary School we would love to see you there!!
Here is a useful link containing more information about walk4life programmes
Miss Skidmore and Mrs Foster


Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank-you to everyone who has returned their replay slips to attend our up and comming Seal assembley this Monday 27th September. We are really looking forward to meeting you all and are excited that you can take part in one of your child's first set of seal assemblies. We will be providing you with the opportunity to watch a seal lesson at 9.00am in either Athens or New York Class giving you the opportunity to see what our seal lessons are about and how they support the children. Then we will ALL go into the hall at 9.30am to watch a whole school SEAL assembly. If you have not yet returned the form there is still time to do so. If you cannot make it this time, we hope you will be able to attend one of our many up and comming workshops planned throughout Reception this year and next 2010-11. We look forward to meeting you on Monday 27th September at 9.00 am in our relevant classes and the 9.30 in the hall, refreshments will be served after the seal assembly has taken place in the hall.
We would appreciate your sensitivity in class, as some children may not respond as usual when they are being observed, but I am sure they will love seeing their loved ones taking part in their learning.
Thankyou Miss Skidmore, Mrs Foster and Sarah Brown

Class Names

All the classes in school are named after major cities from around the world - I have choosen Athens as this is where Miss Fotopoulou is from and I thought it was a nice way to welcome her to our school. She will hopefully be teaching us a little about greek culture and maybe even a little greek!!

Miss Skidmore chose New York as her class name, simply because she has visited the city many times and also Spiderman lives there!!!!!!!!:)

Dinner 23rd September 2010

Dinner today was as follows:

A tasty burger and chips with mixed veg and sweetcorn and a slice of garlic bread - some children had a pizza bread instead of burger!!

Followed by a slice of Jam Sponge - some children had yogurt instead!!

I'm afraid I don't have a menu - but I will try my best to post daily what they have had!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Dinner Today - Wednesday 22nd

Dinner today was:

Roast Pork, Roast potatoes, Carrot and Leeks

followed by:

Sponge and custard!!

yum - it was delicious!!

Tuesday 21 September 2010











Link didn't work - so I've found another way!! Here is ZERO the rest will follow!! Hope you find them useful!!!

Monday 20 September 2010

Number Formation Link.....

Try this link...let me know if it works???

number formation

We have been doing number rhymes with the children to help with their number formation - I'm going to try and get them all on the blog - so you can do the same at home. It's proving a bit tricky but I will keep trying - so watch this space.....
If you right clack the image you should be able to save it and then print it out!!

Sunday 19 September 2010

Baby Photo's

Just a little heads up....we will be asking the children to bring in a photo of them as a baby next week..please don't send them in yet, but just thought we would give you chance to get organised!!

The Reception Team

WK Beg 20th Sept 2010

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend - if you have done anything exciting we would love to hear about it!!

This week we will be introducing our new topic 'Me and My Marvellous Journey'. We will be looking at who we are and looking at the similarities and differences between us. We will also begin painting our portraits, carefully mixing our skin tone and eye colour!!

Phonics gets underway this week and we will be by recapping s-a-t-p and practicing forming these letters. We will also be doing our first BIG write of the year and the children will be asked to have a go at writing their name and showing off anything else they can write!

Number will continue with number formation and counting as well as singing lots of number rhymes with Number Norman and Dizzy the Dragon!!

It can get a little lonely on the blog, so please leave a comment and let us know what your child thinks about Big school! Thank you - see you tomorrow!!

The Reception Team

Saturday 11 September 2010

First 'Full time' Week!!

Another busy week ahead with all the Reception children starting full time - so hopefully there will be no confusion over start at end times of the day, as all children will start school at 8:50am and finish at 3:30pm - let the early nights begin!!!! The routine in the morning will remain the same as this week; children to collect their name badge, write their name and collect a book to sit on the carpet. At the end of the day the children will be sitting in their 'homeplaces' hopefully with all thier belongings ready for you to collect. Keep an eye on the poster between the two toilet doors as that will let you know who is opening the door at hometime!!

This week will be all about getting to know each other, as some children will not have met before, so I hope they come home and tell you about all the new friends they have made. We will also be playing lots of sound and listening games this week focusing on blending and segmenting sounds in words. We will also be singing familiar number songs and practicing writing our numbers. Another big job for this week will be talking about our class rules and each class will be making their class promise.

So...enjoy the rest of your weekend and we will look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday morning!! We would love you to comment on the blog, however if you have any specific questions please contact you childs class teacher directly, are Email addresses are as follows:

Mrs Foster -
Miss Skidmore -

Thanks for your support this week!!

The Reception Team

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Busy bees

The children have been really Buzzy Bees so far this week, creating their own water bottle spots, going on a tour of the school and meeting all the staff who help them in school. We have been learning lots of new songs and reading plenty of fabulous stories. The children have been exploring all our areas of provision and thanks to the lovely, dry weather we have been able to get outside. we have also managed to have a P.E session and a stay for lunch so far... PHEW!!
I must say I have been really impressed with how the children have come into school on their first week and they have all settled really well, so well done New York and Athens Class keep it up!!

Tuesday 7 September 2010


Hi there... Just checking in to clarify a few queries regarding bags we need to bring to school. The children will need to bring each week their purple book bags, so we can change their reading books (store any correspondence from us) and their black P.E bags for their indoor/outdoor kits and pumps as Mrs Foster has already expressed, just for the children to safely walk into the hall for P.E not to change into daily as we will be exploring the outdoor area on a daily basis. The cloakroom can get quite full, making it difficult for the children to locate their belongings at hometime. I am sure you will agree that the children have a lot to remember with their coats, cardigans, P.E Kits and book bags, so to keep things simple the children will not need to bring in any additional rucksacks, bags etc... next week!!
I have really enjoyed meeting everyone so far and have still yet to meet all my afternoon children which I am really looking forward too. I hope the children have been comming home happy and have been sharing their experiences!! Speak soon Miss Skidmore.

Dinner Money

A couple of parents have asked about dinner here goes..

Dinner money charges are as follows:

£1.80 per day
£9.00 for the whole week

Milk is £10 for the year

Cheques are to be made payable to 'Leeds City Council'

Hope that helps!!

Sunday 5 September 2010

New to the Blog!!

WOW!! Mrs Foster has taught me how to Blog, there will be no stopping me now!?

Miss Skidmore.

First week back!!

Well here we are the night before.....getting quite excited about going back I hope your children are too!! This week we will be mainly focusing on settling in and getting to know each other and the classrooms - we will be singing some familair number rhymes and playing some listening games as well as circle time and lots of stories!! On Wednesday we are going to have a go at ready for PE (eek!!) I know this will be difficult for some children - but don't worry we WILL be there to help! You can help us by making sure everything is named - including, skirts, trousers and dresses!! Having just packed Alice's pump bag (how organised!!) I think it would be a good idea to do this with your child so they know exactly what they have got in there!! Also don't forget to personalise your child's PE bag in some way, so they can find it easily!! Can you also please bring in your child's empty book bag this week, so we can get them ready for reading books!! Ok thats it for now... enjoy the rest of this sunny Sunday - and we will see you at some point this week!!

Thank You
The Reception Team